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To be sanctified to be set apart for the Lord and transformed by the renewing of the mind

I sinned in thought but it was exposed for all to see, I thought about how my husband would feel and how the other person and their wife would feel about my sin, so I laid it down at the feet of the Lord, and wanted to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, I struggled with my sin, but I thought about them and when I finally repented the Good Lord used another person to talk to me, talking about my situation, and saying that I really loved people, and to be good... I got the fragrance of life that the other person wasn't worthy of me, but I pleaded with God to give them another chance, and well yeah I feel the hand of the Lord on my shoulder right now! I should have just listened to the Lord, but I kept on I wanted to do more than just to survive, I wanted to fly for the Lord when everyone was kicking me down! I started feeling stigmata in both of my hands right side and feet, I told the other person this, then I became faint and I started hearing Angels sing she's alive she's alive she's alive, when they brought in a false prophet psychic to drag my name through the mud, then I got this overwhelming feeling to pray for the people in the hospital and the hospital in the next town, and Jesus started healing many people. For I am crucified with Christ, yet it is not I who lives but He who lives through me! I was seated in Heavenly places!!! The Angels were singing Holy Holy Holy and Hallelujah and so on! So yeah, the bible is the map for those destined for Heaven! Then after that I sinned really really badly, even though I fought it so hard, so God gave me these scriptures, our righteousness is like that of thilfy rags, He made Him He who knew no sin to become sin for us, so that we may have the righteousness of God! I rest in His righteousness. And yes I still hear the Angels sing!!!
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Good for you! It is good to be open and transparent, especially with our loved ones.

James 5:16 says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

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