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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Is she here to argue or get at the Truth of God?
Traingut · 41-45, M
@Moon3624 @Moon3624 Oh you sick woman, I referred to you both as that guy commented on you. I asked you both to stop it

But surely, he is a good guy. You are a literal piece of shit. Not gonna handle you more. Every word you write is fuckin sick to you mouth.


Sharon · F
Is she here to argue or get at the Truth of God?
Are you here to learn or just to spread your lies and BS?
Sharon · F
I'm not religious and neither are my brothers and sisters in Christ; for that matter, neither is our God in heaven
ROFLMFAO!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

How about telling the whole story, liar. Here's how the conversation really went:

Because Mohammed is only a prophet in Islam who called for people to worship God . Muslims do not worship Mohammed
Before you make such embarrassing comments
Do learn about these religions/ways of life
Before you comment on them and spare people your ignorance.


Can you read little girl? I never said they did. It is your false assumptions and accusations that are quite embarrassing and ignorant. Do read who said what, before engaging your spiteful mouth. Read below.... and do try to follow along and take my conversation with Renkon in context...

Renkon- "Would you need the Bible if Jesus was physically present with you, walking and conversing with you on a daily basis? The same for Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Lord Krishna, Moses,and all the great souls WHO CAME TO REDEEM HUMANITY."

You were saying???

I won't speak to you again because I don't speak to people who are disrespectful to me. Got it?!! Good!!
Sharon · F
Lady(no)grace is one of the most hateful people here. She denigrates everyone who doesn't buy into every syllable of her BS. Just ignore or block her, she's a hateful idiot.
JonathanSJ · 36-40, M
@Sharon Putting a laughter emoji at my comments won't gain you any ticket to talk to me.
Sharon · F
I don't want to talk to you any further.
For which I'm very grateful.
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JonathanSJ · 36-40, M
That's what she said that Mohammad can't redeem your soul. So, what's the fuzz about? You want to be famous? Don't you?

JonathanSJ · 36-40, M
@Moon3624 Oh, She reiterated the original content guy. Probably, it's too much for you to understand so, I will leave it here.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Good leave it there
Sharon · F
I will leave it here.
Good, you were getting boring.
JonathanSJ · 36-40, M
JonathanSJ · 36-40, M
@Sharon Does it make you a nice human being?
Sharon · F
@JonathanSJ I'm showing a lot more respect for @Moon3624 than you are. IME, Muslims are a lot more respectful of others than christians are so I reciprocate.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Sharon specifically Western Christians, absolutely. The Evangelicals are the worst. I've never encountered this level of hostility from Eastern Christians like Armenians and Greeks.
Anton · 56-60, M
Why anyone would believe in a murderous tranny pedo who sucks fingers and dress up in little girls' underwear boggles my mind.
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Anton · 56-60, M
@SW-User Pleasure.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Anton @SW-User
“ Why anyone would believe in a murderous tranny…..”
This is exactly what I meant when I said many of the Christians on similar worlds are uneducated and incapable of articulating an academic argument instead they are only good at throwing tantrums like little children
And hey they wonder why almost no one takes them seriously and looks at them pathetically.
Then they go on the next post writing about loving their neighbors and giving the other cheek attempting to come across as this beacon of kindness peace and love.
Don’t let me get started into the Bible
Which I have actually read
Unlike the oldie zealous Christians on here who have never opened a single book in their entire life let alone the Quran
But I do enjoy seeing y’all
biting your fingers off in anger and anguish
I didn’t know I was capable of pressing you all this much.
But I’ll not waste my time going into a lengthy discussion with you because you have already showed me your horrible debate and discussion skills .
But you should know that it didn’t take me long into reading the Bible until I found verses like where your God commands the murder of infants who were still suckling on their mommy’s nipples like where we see in Samuel.
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Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@SW-User you got one too
Consider yourself lucky to be as brilliant as me
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Sharon · F
you got one too
He's got at least two. Christians used to have the upper hand but, now, the tide is turning.

Whenever I question christian doctrine, I'm met with childish insults. Whenever I question the teaching of any other religion, including Islam, I receive polite replies from members of the religion - often interspersed with hateful comments from christians.
Carazaa · F
God came down from heaven to save us from our sins. Jesus IS GOD! We can not go to heaven if we did one single sin ever so He is our only hope!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life"

"No one comes to the Father but through me"

"The Father and I are ONE"
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Why did Islam steal Abraham from Judaism?
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@AthrillatheHunt peace be upon you too
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Moon3624 shukran 😊
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@AthrillatheHunt why did Judaism take monotheism from Zoroastrian. Before the teachings of Zarathustra, Jewish people were polytheists.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
The Buddha never claimed to save souls.
His teachings deny the existence of a permanent soul.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Entwistle what is a soul is a very philosophical matter and metaphysics is involved etc
Many of the Christians on here
Are closed minded
And cannot prove their religion outside of “my book says so therefore it must be right and you are wrong ”
“ I’ll use the logic of my biased beliefs and apply it to other beliefs”
“I don’t know about your faith as I never studied it but I’ll make comments about it cuz why not “

Of course not all Christians on here are like this there are wonderful and bright Christians
Sharon · F
there are wonderful and bright Christians
They're the ones who keep their beliefs to themselves and respect others' right to have different beliefs.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@Moon3624 I've yet to meet a wonderful and bright Christian.
What you believe is mostly based on location and what your parents are. I’m blocked too.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@BlueSkyKing blocked by who?her? Yeah she’s like that
The religious nut blathers the only crap they know. I pity them.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
The religious nut blathers the only crap they know. I pity them.

We're not religious, not in the definition your used to reading about.
Traingut · 41-45, M
I don't know what you are talking about but seems like you people talking in here are psycho. Get yourself to some constructive things in here.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
“We all are not. She is the one psycho. Too sensitive to be in here. And a few of her protectors. “
Could say the same thing about you.
A sensitive protector of grace and a psycho

Talks about “don’t be hateful “
But goes like a beast on people who explained they have had hateful encounters with this women

I don’t see how you are any less hateful
Sharon · F
@JonathanSJ You're such a hypocrite. Your fellow christians must be really proud of you.
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basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
She blocked me too, on the basis that despite a Christian background in my youth and an agnostic rest of my life, I converted to Zoroastrianism four years ago.
Sharon · F
@basilfawlty89 Christianity - the religion of hatred.
JonathanSJ · 36-40, M
@Sharon Would not prefer to talk to a Big mouth like you.
Sharon · F
@JonathanSJ Good, I'd prefer to not see your BS.

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