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“After you die” will feel exactly the same as “before you were born”

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Renkon · 41-45, M
It's not correct.
But philosophically nice thought.

Few things that happens after death (In normal cases)
1. You will act more instinctive than rationally.
2. Your desires, your emotions, and the experience of your last moments will carry on. But with much more intensity. You loose the filter cover of the body.
3. Depending upon your karmic connection, good chances are that you meet some ancestors or family. Don't expect to have the same connection though.
4. It takes about 16 days for your soul to actually come together. 41 days to take form and reach stability. One year to find space.

All of these depends on your spriitual nature and potency. For an enlighten being none of the above matters.
@Renkon Exactly!!!
@Renkon Ofcourse it’s correct.

Religion is a thing humans make in every scenario where a big concept terrifies them.

You aren’t aware of before or after you live.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@LowBorn In case of religion I think you make a point
I was speaking from spiritual aspect. Spirituality is based on experience. If you cannot experience it, it's not spiritual. With right guide, right discipline and right skills, one can experience the dynamics of the spirit. You have to put in effort, that's all.

That's why spirituality is approached as science.
Babaloo6 · 41-45, M
@Renkon rightly said.
@Renkon Spirituality is a delusion.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@LowBorn I can see how you may mistake spirituality for Religion.

Spirituality is not a mirage. It is practiced on several levels on a daily basis. It was the foundation of an entire civilization. It gave birth to several disciplines of medical science. It is living reality for many. You can have the same experience too.
@Renkon Give me an example.
Religion is a thing humans make in every scenario where a big concept terrifies them.

No. Religion is a codified paradigm. Repetitious ritual. Basically religion is the adherence (usually in pretense) to a strict set of beliefs. "In the lab he performed the scientific methodology religiously." Every sentient being is religious. The idea that religion is something primitive humans created out of fear is not only speculative - conjecture at best and biased ignorance at worst - but also not very well thought out. You don't see the people who make that claim doing the same to the warnings of science.

Spirituality is a delusion.

It certainly can be, but the same could be said of anything. It's a meaningless term in an attempt to dismiss religion in a poorly constructed, dogmatic and hypocritical fear of delusion, in the biased pretense you protest delusion as a concept that terrifies you. You are unaware of your own spirituality.

@Renkon Spirituality is unseen forces that produce visible results. Air, breeze, breath, compelled mental inclination (mean spirited) that can come from anywhere; tradition, culture, germs etc. Science is a structured method of investigation which can investigate the spiritual without knowing it. Spirituality and religion aren't necessarily supernatural so science wouldn't have a problem with it except for that they aren't aware that those things fall under those categories as such. For example, according to the Bible the soul is the life of any breathing creature, the blood. Life and blood science can do, but the Greek philosophy of the immortal soul adopted by false Christian teachings is allegedly supernatural. Science isn't aware of that difference. Spirit can be breath, air, from the Greek pneuma (pneumatic/pneumonia), hell is the common grave where everyone who dies goes. It's without moral distinction, or consciousness. These are examples of the Bible being misrepresented by people who aren't aware that the supernatural teachings of Greek philosophy aren't compatible with the Bible.

Put simply some scientist hears some Christian talking about the soul, spirit and hell, and thinks, wrongly, that the Christian is getting their interpretation from the Bible. Science isn't very scientific in this exchange and Christianity isn't very Christian. Human nature to confuse everything in ignorance and ideology. They're both the same, you see.
@AkioTsukino I said give me an example.
@LowBorn You said to me give an example? Of what? Because I gave 4 examples.
It takes about 16 days for your soul to actually come together. 41 days to take form and reach stability. One year to find space.

WHERE did you get that notion? That doesn't match up with what God said in His Word. You die ONCE, no reincarnation and when you do die, your spirit goes to either heaven or hell, depending on the choice you made and whom you decided to follow.