AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
What’s MBS net worth ? What’s the net worth of the house of al sabah?
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Sultan of Brunei?
Islamreligion · F
Hello dear Mark :
1/ someone can be rich and still give to the poor. There is no sin in being rich in Islam as long as the money you make is legit. Unlike what the verse in my post is talking about “ consume peoples wealth wrongfully “
The verse talks about those who hoard and give nothing especially those who get their wealth by de being ppl like by telling them it’s for “donation “
2/ your comments are extremely irrelevant to my post. I don’t know who is a good Muslim and who’s not
And who’s going to heaven and who’s not
Neither you or I can make such judgment
My account is sharing Islamic knowledge right from its scriptures not talking about political figures especially behind their back .
hence your point is not factual.
Hello dear Mark :
1/ someone can be rich and still give to the poor. There is no sin in being rich in Islam as long as the money you make is legit. Unlike what the verse in my post is talking about “ consume peoples wealth wrongfully “
The verse talks about those who hoard and give nothing especially those who get their wealth by de being ppl like by telling them it’s for “donation “
2/ your comments are extremely irrelevant to my post. I don’t know who is a good Muslim and who’s not
And who’s going to heaven and who’s not
Neither you or I can make such judgment
My account is sharing Islamic knowledge right from its scriptures not talking about political figures especially behind their back .
hence your point is not factual.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Islamreligion I see your point.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
Islamreligion · F
@SW-User I have deleted your comment due to use of cuss words and foul language please re read my profile and check the rules. Thank you

@Islamreligion rofl
Islamreligion · F
@SW-User I am glad to know I made you laugh and smile honey 💕
Have a beautiful day
Have a beautiful day