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Sick of lying

I lie all the time, you guys are the only people I tell my real self to and I feel shitty for it, "O" asks me how I was doing, I lied and said good I had a video call but I was crying before that and stress eating once, I finally told her the truth once and not all of it ofc all I could say is "I'm meh" ....oh if she only new.... Really I wanna die for this but I know she wouldn't understand she's 12 I'm 13 and I don't want the truth out of my pains, especially when she wouldn't understand like I would even the other kids (14-15) wouldn't get it and I'd feel bad if anyone found out
(It's a group chat btw)
I just wanna tell the truth and not feel like a lair for the little things even if I do it to protect her
Yuvxnaaa33 · 13-15, FNew
Don't feel shitty or embarrassed for talking about your pains, it's alright. its better to talk instead of bottling up all that. It's not bad to talk about how you feel so don't worry, I understand you and I'm here to talk if you need to:)
Yuvxnaaa33 · 13-15, FNew
@Dimao oh:( maybe try going alone if you can, If no then try telling her how it's affecting your everyday life and everything, you can also tell your dad or adult sibling If you have one. I hope they will agree and take you there and that it's nothing dangerous:)
Dimao · 13-15, CNew
@Yuvxnaaa33 thank you, I'm not really sure I will no one cares if I'm hurt here so it won't work anyway
Yuvxnaaa33 · 13-15, FNew
@Dimao that's sad to hear:( but remember I'll always care, I don't know you so well but I feel that you're a good person, I wanna help you and just make sure you're healthy and safe. <3 I hope you're gonna be okay, I know people have the tendency to search up almost every symptom so I'll just say it in advance, don't believe everything you read Online. I know it might be hard sometimes but it's mostly not worth spending time on.
Dimao · 13-15, CNew
Sorry for the random information I was hoping it'd help with advice or something cuz yeah

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