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I Need Advice On Relationships


I have a relative he’s a good person. But when it comes to women he’s a positive sap. He spent the best part of this youth building a career. This meant that when it came to relationships he did not know who to choose. Like most successful men he went for the ‘trophy,’ Image.
Which suited him to a point. The first young lady was nice enough. But when it came to home and family all she wanted was his business connections. When he finally got wind was when his money virtually ran out and so did she.
The second, he’s treated nonchalantly, (think it was a defence mechanism on his part). He literally texted all his friends and relatives the following. “Been with the lady for a while now, lately we have got on really well – no arguments, so I’ve popped the question and she said yes!’
Of course, relatives immediately rallied “Don’t do it.,” “Don’t trust her,” etc. I heard it all even from his relatives that the consensus is he’s making a huge mistake. But apart from the initial reactions. No one tackled him directly. I decided to instead. I spoke to him. His reply was; -
“She’s promised to take care of me in my old age. She’ll be a good mother to our kids when we have them. She likes my mum and dad. We have lived together for other a year now. And of course, I love her!”
My reply was “well you’d better convince the family of that because, they were the ones who asked me to have a word. His parents, in particular, as they did not like the lady very much!
That’s when the tables were turned on me and everyone tried to say it was I who disapproved and was stirring up trouble. I wished them well and they got married.
That’s when the basis of my misgivings started. The bride’s parents approached the groom’s parents to finance the wedding. This did not go down well as the groom’s parents had not even paid for their own daughters weddings. All they did was to attend. So, when they paid for the son’s wedding the other members of the family kicked off.
The relative - once married moved from his home (which he could comfortably afford), to a new home in which he borrowed a substantial amount from his Parents savings to purchase. Again, the rest of the family kicked off, as his own parents never assisted any of the other children in purchasing their own homes.
Immediately they moved into the new premises with the mother-in- law moved in with them. The father-in-law visits occasionally as he works away from home. This the grooms relations thought was a bit much. I personally did mention to him at the time that he should spend the first two years on his own with his new wife before the relatives get involved. And only then if they are contributing to the household.
Apparently, he is now financing the wife, his new son (another one is one the way), and his mother in law all on his executive salary. The wife cannot work right now as she is pregnant again.
Where is the father-in-law? He works abroad. But from what I can see he does not finance his wife. As when the mother in law wishes to go home to her native country to visit her relatives she asks the Son-in-law for the money. She lives with them and has everything paid for her.
He came by the other day. The poor man looked exhausted. He has been forced to take on two jobs to keep the house going. My husband said he did not look well and was concerned. I mentioned this to his family and suggested that they get him to take a weekend away with the lads so that he can at least re-charge his batteries. We all say the same thing. He’s taken on the father-in-laws role in the house and no one is sticking up for him as he is outnumbered by all the females.
His best memories in his life was family holidays - Christmases in which they all got together. It was suggested that they all go to his, this year. Immediately the wife said no because it was too stressful and she is pregnant. Even though the family said they would take the strain of the day off her shoulders by bring food etc. It was cancelled. Apparently, they do not celebrate Christmas like his side of the family.
But they insisted that his parents went to theirs for Christmas. The mother and father-in-law in were there with his parents. They suggested that maybe if the groom’s elderly parents would agree they could move into their large home and helped them. The grooms Parents have a home as large as the one the youngest son has purchased. They also have five grown up successful children with families of their own.
Its obvious what the In-laws are attempting. The problem is none of the other relatives will speak directly to the son – do an intervention if you will. Once again, they are all explaining me to approach the lad.
Unity101 · 61-69, F
Thanks for the reply, but hate to say it. Some guys are great in business. He's a team player to so speak. Everyone roots for him. But when it comes to females. He's swayed by the dolly bird types. And this girl is nice but her manner/character can be a little off putting. I say brusque. Other people have mentioned this to her in the past and made her cry. I know she has a good heart. But I don't like the parents manipulation in all this. They, seem to me to be sponging off the guy. Who asks the groom to pay for the wedding unless the grooms a millionaire? Or worst Why move in with the couple within the first month of marriage? The Guy is English and the lady is eastern European. She's a Catholic by religion. As am I but I celebrate xmas the English way. Only when he came around at xmas he was so sad and envious of us and our xmas festivities. And compared to this guy we are the poor relations. My own family don't like her. They have their reasons.

But its her parents that are my major concern as I cannot get over the feeling that they are on a con job and the guys own mum and dad are their target. I have intel that so far they have given this guy £36,000 of their savings. And I feel they are now after the house they live in. As I have said his brothers and sisters have tried to make mention of it indirectly. But they do not want to upset him. Because they think she will cut him off from them. I however have got a bad reputation of putting my foot in it and saying directly what I feel. Only this time. I don't want to upset the guy. Because, he don't deserve it and its the In-laws manipulating him. Only if he leaves her it will cripple him. He will end up with nothing. But if he stays with her. I dread to think what will happen to his parents.

So, as I said do I intervene or stay well away and watch from the sidelines. If it was my son or nephew. Don't care who said what where or when. I show them they were protected by me and give them hell. Just to let them know this con job will not work. But in this situation. I don't want to lose the friendship we got.
Unity101 · 61-69, F
Thanks for the advice. I wish it was that easy. But as I said there are his own parents involved in this. I can see a clear case of these people persuading them to part with their savings and re-mortgage their own property to facilitate this. Its a con job pure and simple. I have tried speaking to his parents. They are not too enthused about the couple either. They have tried speaking to him. So far the Daughter In Laws Family have taken over £36,000 off the husbands parents.

I am willing to stand back and let the young man sort out his maritial affairs. Even though he's now taken two jobs on to afford his 'new family.' But I draw the line at the daughter in laws Parents making a move on her husbands Parents to elicit more monies from them. The husbands parents have five children of their own. All are older than this young man. But none want to start the hurricane that will result from voicing this. We recently had a dinner with them and the young mans older sister came over from abroad she actually said to the mother in law when was she returning back to her own country? The room went quiet. And the Husbands Parents tried to smooth it over and ignore the comment. But it was a question on everyone's mind. More than this I gather the daughter in laws parents actually said that they would be willing to move into the husbands parents house and live with them, as they are elderly and maybe they could help them. The In-laws are not elderly they are about my age group which is over 50's.

If I do not say anything this may possibly happen given that they have already given the young man £36,000 towards the relationship. If I say something (which I feel I am obliged to), I will be targeted for once again being the dragon of the party. As I said I like the young girl. I just don't trust the Parents In Law and I think they are taking advantage. He's a relative and so is his parents. I have a strong sense of duty in protecting our own.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
What countries are you talking about here because I know there are some traditions I do not understand in some countries. So what country do they live in and what country do the people involved come from makes a big difference to how this can be approached.
The relatives asking you to be the villain again, remind them of what happened last time and tell them you are not going to do the same again only for them to betray you (sounds harsh but that is what they did), so you will act on behalf of the group but only if they give you evidence that you are all together in this; an e-mail or letter requesting your actions. Without this you cannot move forward (although now he is married I imagine there is little that can be done without negative consequences).
I won't interfere and I'll just let him know the family is here for him
this is him being a man and sorting things out -he'll sort them out
have faith in him
I'd like to add
all that family interference will drive him insane

I guess it's a culture far removed from mine
Miram · 31-35, F
You care a lot about this guy's life improving. He has a child in the way and he needs to work on his own well being in order to be there for the baby.

I would ask him for coffee , give advice and express my concerns without any expectations. He needs to know he has support and it's okay to want a break from all the responsibilities.
PennyHenny · F
Well, he did choose to be in the situation with that woman. And he's supporting her, soooooo yeah. If he didn't want the burden of dealing with the family then he should have got to known the family first. You either get a spouse that clings or one that doesn't.
This sounds like a disaster but I have to wonder how did he get to be so successful in business if he can't tell people what he wants?

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