Madelenie · 26-30, F
Ikr.. it's like why can't they send them to their own wifes?
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
How does the trump fella land into all this?
lightningblue · 26-30, M
@OneLostSoul: he lands in the strange things
lightningblue · 26-30, M
@OneLostSoul: but forget about it, if things are going too fast for you
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@MalteseFalconPunch: what do you mean?
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Like hell yes.At least here.

Because they have not learnt to appreciate what they have at home.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Aidolovemostofyourthoughts: That perhaps is an understatement
lightningblue · 26-30, M
how do you even know they're really married ?
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@justsomeoneelse: yeah yeah, how kind and pure are you ! And they all should thank you for these
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@justsomeoneelse: If two of a pair want to make sense to each other it can be.
lightningblue · 26-30, M
@Marshmallow: i'm pure !
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Good question! 😒
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Loretta78: Its just a serious question.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@OneLostSoul: I know.
Justlilme · 36-40, F
They shouldnt!
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Justlilme: hell yes.They must not

And it's the worst when they don't admit it at first...
And it's the worst when they don't admit it at first...
meemo70 · 51-55, M
@IDidNotFart: they try to act nice to make you trust them then they show their real selves!

@meemo70: Yeah, I've seen it...😒
meemo70 · 51-55, M
@IDidNotFart: sadly!
Pfuzylogic · M
It isn't just men
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic: I am only talking of men.They do it.
Pfuzylogic · M
@OneLostSoul: I see that

They failed at life
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Feature: they can go to hell

@OneLostSoul: if only
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
yes of course
TheProphet · M
Because they can. No big deal. If you don't like it don't answer.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@lastbabyboomer: They can go jump into two lakes if one is not enough for them
TheProphet · M
@OneLostSoul: I doubt your opinion matters to them.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I don't care
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@excuse: I wasn't talking of you exclusively
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Never mind
Teirdalin · 31-35
If it's about the

message I sent earlier~ I don't think that counts as dirty, nor sexy; nor am I married either. 🤔
But you should subscribe to my youtube channel either way even though I never got to advertise it.

message I sent earlier~ I don't think that counts as dirty, nor sexy; nor am I married either. 🤔
But you should subscribe to my youtube channel either way even though I never got to advertise it.
Teirdalin · 31-35
@OneLostSoul: Probably for the best to be honest. xD I don't think the people I minecraft with, or even my family take my advice.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Teirdalin · 31-35
The way you talk is a little creepy, nevermind watching my gameplay channel; quite frankly there are better audience members out there.
Dreamprojector · 31-35, F
because they are bored of their marriage
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Dreamprojector: then separate from their partner and go to a prostitute
Dreamprojector · 31-35, F
@OneLostSoul: tell them that.
Travelbug · 56-60, F
Because they claim to live in a sexless marriage!!!
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Cause they need their ass kicked out their homes, stripped of their kids, and a brick on their check. Esp. ones who fukup other guys marriages. Na just kiddin.
They need to catch fire and die.
They need to catch fire and die.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Noahkahol: I do wish so
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@OneLostSoul: Just one successful man (or these days include women) without honor can ruin multiple marriages. All while keeping their own family intact.
Without a law allowing an alienation of affection lawsuit (these laws were stricken from the books) wealthy people being screwed over by gold diggers give me the fuzzy warms when I hear about it.
Without a law allowing an alienation of affection lawsuit (these laws were stricken from the books) wealthy people being screwed over by gold diggers give me the fuzzy warms when I hear about it.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I agree,Sir

They're not men, they're scum. So many married women here are so worthless too, whoring around for the attention 😂
Leads me to think that marriage is useless if people just go about online this way
Leads me to think that marriage is useless if people just go about online this way
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@QueenOfQuirk: So true! 😂
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@juiceyangel333: Sorry if that hurt you
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
@OneLostSoul: no it didn't
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Thank goodness!
meemo70 · 51-55, M
because they are perverts! I dunno why but this site, like EP before, seems to attract all pervys from all around the world.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@meemo70: Agree! 😝
lakergoy · 36-40, M
Because they can't say it to thier wives
Snickerdooodle · 31-35, F
But are the messages actually sexy.....I think not
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
You sound like a slut to me,dammit
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@OneLostSoul: She wants me to tell you that your reply is useless if you block
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I don't wish to even see her.
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
some men get bored.... not just married men that do that but hey ho, men will be men! I know some married women that do the same thing tho!

Because there is no sex in marriage.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Damn those old farty males too

@OneLostSoul: Yes, thats why you get even married women on here sending sexy messages.
"MoreLove ·
@OneLostSoul: Wives become fat and boring as time goes and they loose sex drive after having kids."
@MoreLove: I don't know if you are F or M.
By your disrespectful and ignorant tone I'd say you are a man who is not married and you can't be older than 25. Maybe 28 tops and that of course is all relative and connected to your culture/world view and the preconceptions you have. Or misconceptions .
So let me break down and clarify for you the REALITY of women you speak of in your Answers, OK>
Strait out of MY OWN LIFE :)
1-I don't know what women you are referring to, perhaps some fiction in your head? And you ought to leave that fiction in you head. It is fallacious .
I can tell you this from my circle of women and my life; Our children are adults.
2-Young man: THE mass OF A HUMAN BEING
with infinite value and potential for goodness and grace.
3-Interesting thing happens to a woman's sex drive once she hits her late 30's or so. It tends to increase not decrease: Since she is more comfortable in her mind and body, her inhibitions have diminished, and so sex becomes even more enjoyable than before :)
4-Women like myself, are free spirits.
Free to pursue our passions and interests, to travel and do adventurous, fun stuff. The world is open.
We are the creators of our lives.
All women have a magic in them.
Years of living the blessings and pain;
This is all is distilled and transmuted
into who we become as people.
You have MUCH to learn.
So wake up
and get a clue of the 21st century woman.

@OneLostSoul: Wives become fat and boring as time goes and they loose sex drive after having kids."
@MoreLove: I don't know if you are F or M.
By your disrespectful and ignorant tone I'd say you are a man who is not married and you can't be older than 25. Maybe 28 tops and that of course is all relative and connected to your culture/world view and the preconceptions you have. Or misconceptions .
So let me break down and clarify for you the REALITY of women you speak of in your Answers, OK>
Strait out of MY OWN LIFE :)
1-I don't know what women you are referring to, perhaps some fiction in your head? And you ought to leave that fiction in you head. It is fallacious .
I can tell you this from my circle of women and my life; Our children are adults.
2-Young man: THE mass OF A HUMAN BEING
with infinite value and potential for goodness and grace.
3-Interesting thing happens to a woman's sex drive once she hits her late 30's or so. It tends to increase not decrease: Since she is more comfortable in her mind and body, her inhibitions have diminished, and so sex becomes even more enjoyable than before :)
4-Women like myself, are free spirits.
Free to pursue our passions and interests, to travel and do adventurous, fun stuff. The world is open.
We are the creators of our lives.
All women have a magic in them.
Years of living the blessings and pain;
This is all is distilled and transmuted
into who we become as people.
You have MUCH to learn.
So wake up
and get a clue of the 21st century woman.

[image/video deleted]

In case you are not sure who is Jason Momoa:
He is the Aquaman of Justice League,
Khal Drogo of Game of Thrones,
He was Conan The Barbarian,
Ronon Dex of SG Atlantis, etc....
He is the Aquaman of Justice League,
Khal Drogo of Game of Thrones,
He was Conan The Barbarian,
Ronon Dex of SG Atlantis, etc....
edtur61 · 61-69, M
Bored lonely frustrated.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@edtur61: why don't they jump into a lake?
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
specially if they don't know how to swim
ClosetCD · M
It can't be very dirty if you consider it to be sexy
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@ClosetCD: I said dirty sexy.Means shit messages
ClosetCD · M
@OneLostSoul: I can only relate sexy to something glamorous or appealing. Like a sexy new car. 😍
ClosetCD · M
@justsomeoneelse: Thanks 👍🏼
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
well, most likely because they have a penis.
also, almost zero chance the flirt of a message here will lead to anything.
also, almost zero chance the flirt of a message here will lead to anything.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@OKWTF2: Bollz!
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
ya, men are stupid. I too do stupid stuff, and on here it does help that it will not truly be anything that effects real life I think.
Justlilme · 36-40, F
The old guys, fat and hairy and gross, need to stop!!! I now just instantly block based on age and what I'm guessing they probably sent. Good thing I don't work for the government. I'd get sued😂
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Justlilme: Farty old pervs
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Deary, I've never sent you Jack or shit.
Stop pretendo accusing.
Fetishists to the right, mmmkay?
Stop pretendo accusing.
Fetishists to the right, mmmkay?

How do you know they are married ?
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Lazarus: they write that

@OneLostSoul: Hmm they probably say they are but are probably too ugly and no woman would ever have them also you can sort it out in message settings who can and cant pm you