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Do you think life would be easier if spouses didnt have a joint checking account??

Poll - Total Votes: 27
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Basically having your own account and splitting bills 50/50
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
My ex-husband one wrote 8 checks to liquor stores in one month and never told me he wrote them. The overcharges back then added up to over $100, and that would have bought a lot of groceries back then, not to mention the amount of money he spent on whiskey. I left him one time a couple years before we divorced and went back to him but had my name taken off the checking account because I didn't want to be responsible for his hot checks and trying to keep a balance. He tried many times to get me to put my name back on the account but I told him each time if he wrote hot checks it would be his problem and not mine any more. As far as I know he didn't do it after that. I do think it's better to have separate checking accounts.
Cosreal · 36-40
Nunya n I always put our money together n decide what it's best spent on for both our best interests. I would say we're both not selfish but considerate of each other so it works for us. We're also responsible.

My ex husband n I did this too but he was n still can be pretty irresponsible n splurged our money. course, I lost my cool permanently when I found out about his mistress n my checks being spent on her n not on bills. [X

think it truly depends on the couple.
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
My wife and I have separate checking accounts.We are responsible for the bills which we split pro-rata, not 50/50. I take care of A and B (larger obligations), and she takes care of C, D, and E.Seperate charge accounts for our playthings/hobbies.We are never in each others' pockets and it works out pretty well.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have always earned the money let my mate pay the bills ,then if there is not enough money for things she wants she can't blame it on me ,I am good at making money .
sadly I am also good at helping everyone but me .
but my needs are always met ,I have never done without .
if I have to go dutch with a wife I would say we should have just stayed dating ,but even dating I have never done that .
I was raised ,I am the man ,I pay
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Really depends on how much you work and how much you make. My mom makes 10$ and hour and my stepdad makes $40, my stepdad pays the bills and takes us fun places. My mom buys the food and all the things we NEED.
Yes!take it from me who was married to a guy who would overdraw the checking account 3 and 4 times a month buying mountain dew😒
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
We have a joint account for bills, and separate accounts for our play money.
aradia11 · 61-69, F
we only share a checking acct he keeps track..I gv him money towards bills I hv my own!!!
Could be beneficial if one spouse has a spending problem.
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
It's the same you can either both suffer or be financial stable
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
Having separate accounts is not One Family.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
Since I'm the one who's bad with money I'll say NO, it wouldn't make MY life easier at all LOL
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
No I don't think it would be easier. However much you separate things financially your partners actions will impact on your life. Better that you know the facts so you can act on them than have the truth hidden behind a separate account.
malizz · 70-79, M
Don't trust the banks. Slightest misunderstanding and they will clobber you with charges.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
makes sense cherokee
spandexblue · 36-40, M
Sometimes it's the only way to make someone realize that they spend to much money. If they don't have any money in their account they can't spend more money. No joint credit cards either.
No because both dont make the same amount of money. so bills have to be divided in a different way not sure how exactly but fairly for sure.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
I'm with callme on this one. Id never have a joint account 2nd husband was knicking money I'd put in for bills and I wouldn't find out till the threatening letters came in..
girl watcher22~it sounds like you guys have a good and fair arrangement going on..thats awesome!:) good for you guys!
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
our savings is joint,our checking is different,but I give her enough to cover the bills.
buddyhilly · 56-60, M
we have our own, and i pay housekeeping to her, much better way
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
It would be different not necessarily better
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic ... Mountain Dew? Did he swim in it?

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