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Im so excited to get married one day

I already have someone , he feels the same way about me as I do with him. I think its beautiful to spend the rest of your life with someone , be exclusive to someone , grow and age with someone. And that person knows everything about you and your past but still loves and accepts you for who you are. Someone who wont just leave you if you go through an hard time. I dont care much about the dresses or the aesthetic side of weddings , I think that is just an bonous. I told my man I would still be extremely greatful even if he proposed with an $1 ring or even an candy ring , its the fact someone loves you that much they chose you out anyone else to spend the rest of their life with. In fact , if he did propose with an candy ring , I would find the funny side to it as we always have fun and an laugh together.
soulshadow · 36-40, M
Be the one to make all that happen and tell others how to have it too, and you'll be rick beyond your wildest dreams.
@soulshadow I love this. I do this every time I make any one of my dreams come true
We now expect you to invite us all to your wedding. It’s protocol
@BiasForAction I would love to
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Good luck. I wish you both a satisfying and happy life.
@novaguy2u Thank you so much
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@MidwestMonster telling people to shut up is pretty harsh in my eyes...pretty sure i know what's gonna come next out of you.
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@MidwestMonster shut up... 🤣
Bleak · 36-40, F
Marrige is a beautiful thing if both the partners truly understand what it is actually about.
It is just not love and love all the time. It is deeper than that.

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