whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I dont know if I am qualified to comment. I have only been married to the same woman for 49 years so far and I believe neither of us has strayed. Maybe because we have always had a partnership in the marriage to support each other in goals, and our parents and children and now grandchilds. Its just been too busy and interesting to fool around and risk it.😷
Naughtyboyneeds · 51-55, M
My ex wife had 2 affairs so i left, it has taken me along time to get back into trying to find someone, but i have found an Amazing lady we have been dating for 6 years,recently got engaged
PoetryNEmotion · F
I believe in true love. Just have not found it yet. I believe in quality not quantity. Old- fashioned it may be. It is my way.
Suggestmeone · M
Met her in school. Married her when I was a senior in highschool, have been a couple bumps along the way but still going at 56 yrs.