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Lions · 61-69, F
I don't believe that we could commit to one person for life - it's very unrealistic. Been married almost 40 years with ups and downs, I will not do it again if you ask me.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Lions Sounds like more downs.☹️

WhateverWorks · 36-40
I think it works out better if both people are well rounded individuals, so they can be a good team, but also when one is running on fumes the other can pick up the slack for a while without it being an issue. I personally wouldn’t marry someone who isn’t a responsible, well rounded person.

I think, ideally, each person should have savings for an emergency and continue to keep themselves employable, so they’re not trapped. Unless both people have upper-middle class jobs though, it’s unlikely they’d each be able to independently sustain the quality of life they’ve achieved together by pooling their resources/efforts, especially if there are kids or grandparents to care for.

I think cultivating financial security together takes time and overcoming obstacles. If you have family who want to help you out from time to time you’re able to get established much faster. I would surely help my daughter and her spouse out. I love her. I want to do what I can to assure her happiness and prosperity.
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
@WhateverWorks Very true statements, makes sense. Responsibility is a BIG one.
Blondily · F
Marriage works if you respect each other.
Yet if I could do it over again I would take more time before walking down the aisle.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Blondily Fair point.
fishescycle · 26-30
Nope I don't agree:

Do you feel that both should be responsible enough to keep a car, keep up with important bills etc

I don't believe that a worthy married woman (with no recourse to divorce) should be responsible for a car, nor significant bills (eg mortgage) or essential bills (eg food,energy) if any - as long as she upholds her predetermined side of the union. None of my female blood relations do. It's not even a debate.

But also at the same time a marriageable woman should be an asset and certainly shouldn't approach an altar with any debts she accrued in singledom (that she expects a spouse to pay off) either. It demonstrates an untenable lack of discernment/prudence and an unpalatable abundance of entitlement.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I love the feeling of being married. I believe my grandparents life was my role model for marriage. sure wasn't my mom & dad's marriage.

My father was the type women fear to get married to. Probably that might be the same reason for you.

I was a lucky one. My wife wouldn't give up on me, no matter how much I pushed her away in the beginning. She knew

I know sometimes I may not be the most pleasant person to be around, but I got the best woman who was ever on this planet to marry me. I worked at it, it was the best thing ever happened to me.
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
@HumanEarth I understand you but with me, I am always to one to rescue the man. I was the driver, I made the most $ which is set monthly. they gave what they could, I am responsible, they aren't. I'm the one reminding them to go to the Dr, open your mail. I'm tired. If I have to deal with that before marriage, why get married? Most of the men that were established, and really liked me I turned them into friends and nothing came of it.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I been used before and been used bad to. I was their bank and fuck toy. I have been there to.

Trust me I swore I was never getting serous with anyone again, But I did

Who knows things may change for you to
Lanyx · 41-45, M
I am 45, never married, by choice. Father divorced when I was 17, and lets just say he did not set a good example. Various factors prevented me in engaging in any sort of romantic relationship, so I stayed single. I moved to a different country, got my independence. Now, I don't feel it is the right thing for me. I am happy being single; as an introvert, I can't imagine having to share my private and personal space with someone else 24/7.
I have also fallen victim to the anti-feminist, MGTOW, ManoSphere propaganda, even though I live in a more traditional country in Eastern Europe.
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JestAJester · 31-35, M
I dont believe anyone needs a government issued certificate to finalize their marriage. If you're together thats all that matters
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I generally like it. Over 20 years here. We both contribute about equally.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I feel like it doesn't concern me on a personal level so I don't need to think or feel about it in any way.
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