Does your marriage need healing? Don't give up too easily. There's hope!
Contrary to belief, the grass is not always greener on the other side. Think about it. When you switch partners, you're just taking on a different person with a different set of problems. And if there's no better communication with this person, than there was with the last, you have solved nothing. Divorce is not something that should be decided on quickly. Lives are at stake and little hearts don't forget that easily. The damage and scars for all involved, can last for years, so this is nothing to take lightly. But some treat it as if it's like taking off one hat and replacing it with a new one. It don't work that way. Many lives have been changed. Everything changes. And if you have children and you're not prepared to have to deal with your ex, visitation and all, for years to come, you've just made your life even more miserable. I think it's scars children for life and it takes away their childhood and innocence.
There's no room for pride here. Forgiveness is such a healing thing. And God says to forgive.
Communication and trust are key, and need to be restored. That doesn't happen overnight. It's not too late. I think marriages are savable, myself, but it will take both of you working at it. That doesn't mean working on it for a few weeks and then giving up because you don't see results yet. I hope you'll think about counseling for both of you together. And if he or she won't go, then you should go and get a different perspective on what you could do to improve this situation. I think we should do everything possible to save a marriage, unless that person is abusing you. I don't believe God would want you to lose your health or take beatings. If this is the case, I confidently say, it's time to get away and move on. However, some these days just want to give up immediately, without even trying. This is not love. This is copping out. Just looking for an excuse to leave anyway.
Sometimes we can't see clearly when we're right in the middle of things and other ideas can be a plus. I can think of many things you could do to restore your marriage and light that fire again. This is a matter that needs to be thought through very carefully, because it's not only you two, that would be divorcing. This would affect both of your families, children, and so many more things.
Relationship problems are hardly a rarity, that have resulted in divorce, broken homes, mental issues, children growing up with self esteem problems and more. All are affected in one way or another, and not just for a few days, but for years to come. It changes everything, so handle this wisely and think a long time before you act.
Satan’s job has always been to steal to kill and destroy and distorting the image of what marriage really is. Most marriage vows made between couples are just meaningless or not taken with the seriousness that they deserve. The good news is that Jesus can restore your marriage and every area of your life.
Fireproof may be one of the best movies I could recommend to you. This movie tells the story of a young couple, Caleb and Catherine that are on the verge of a divorce after a number of years of marriage. Caleb seems so absorbed in his career as a fireman and selfish ambitions that he neglects to take good care of Catherine.
Catherine on the other hand, spends a lot of time at her job as well and puts herself in a position of compromise in the midst of their marital problems. Their marriage seems headed towards divorce as they hit a point of no return. That is until Caleb’s dad intercepts and takes his son Caleb through a journey that could transform their marriage.
Do you find yourself in a similar position today? A lot of relationship questions may be running through your mind, which you have no answer to. The answers to those questions are found in the Word of God. A relationship or marriage centred on God, will survive any fire or storm that comes its way.
This is a movie that I highly recommend because it will change your life. I hope you will watch the whole movie. Healthy relationships are still possible in this crazy world that we live in today, even though the enemy has lied to us to cause to think otherwise. Remember his main objective is to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give you life in abundance. I believe it is worth watching this movie. In what little time it takes to watch this movie, the effects could change your whole life for the better, so I think it's well worth your time. I believe you can make your marriage so happy again. I believe you can rekindle that spark that made you want to marry each other in the first place. Nothing is impossible with God. You can watch that movie on Netflix. It has saved many a marriage, I know that. If you truly love someone, you don't give up on them. You do everything in your power to make it work. Not until you've done your best, can you say you tried.
There's no room for pride here. Forgiveness is such a healing thing. And God says to forgive.
Communication and trust are key, and need to be restored. That doesn't happen overnight. It's not too late. I think marriages are savable, myself, but it will take both of you working at it. That doesn't mean working on it for a few weeks and then giving up because you don't see results yet. I hope you'll think about counseling for both of you together. And if he or she won't go, then you should go and get a different perspective on what you could do to improve this situation. I think we should do everything possible to save a marriage, unless that person is abusing you. I don't believe God would want you to lose your health or take beatings. If this is the case, I confidently say, it's time to get away and move on. However, some these days just want to give up immediately, without even trying. This is not love. This is copping out. Just looking for an excuse to leave anyway.
Sometimes we can't see clearly when we're right in the middle of things and other ideas can be a plus. I can think of many things you could do to restore your marriage and light that fire again. This is a matter that needs to be thought through very carefully, because it's not only you two, that would be divorcing. This would affect both of your families, children, and so many more things.
Relationship problems are hardly a rarity, that have resulted in divorce, broken homes, mental issues, children growing up with self esteem problems and more. All are affected in one way or another, and not just for a few days, but for years to come. It changes everything, so handle this wisely and think a long time before you act.
Satan’s job has always been to steal to kill and destroy and distorting the image of what marriage really is. Most marriage vows made between couples are just meaningless or not taken with the seriousness that they deserve. The good news is that Jesus can restore your marriage and every area of your life.
Fireproof may be one of the best movies I could recommend to you. This movie tells the story of a young couple, Caleb and Catherine that are on the verge of a divorce after a number of years of marriage. Caleb seems so absorbed in his career as a fireman and selfish ambitions that he neglects to take good care of Catherine.
Catherine on the other hand, spends a lot of time at her job as well and puts herself in a position of compromise in the midst of their marital problems. Their marriage seems headed towards divorce as they hit a point of no return. That is until Caleb’s dad intercepts and takes his son Caleb through a journey that could transform their marriage.
Do you find yourself in a similar position today? A lot of relationship questions may be running through your mind, which you have no answer to. The answers to those questions are found in the Word of God. A relationship or marriage centred on God, will survive any fire or storm that comes its way.
This is a movie that I highly recommend because it will change your life. I hope you will watch the whole movie. Healthy relationships are still possible in this crazy world that we live in today, even though the enemy has lied to us to cause to think otherwise. Remember his main objective is to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give you life in abundance. I believe it is worth watching this movie. In what little time it takes to watch this movie, the effects could change your whole life for the better, so I think it's well worth your time. I believe you can make your marriage so happy again. I believe you can rekindle that spark that made you want to marry each other in the first place. Nothing is impossible with God. You can watch that movie on Netflix. It has saved many a marriage, I know that. If you truly love someone, you don't give up on them. You do everything in your power to make it work. Not until you've done your best, can you say you tried.