I Am Unhappy In My Marriage
Before you judge let me explain lol. I love my wife with all my heart. We have been married the 2nd time since 2008. But lately, things have changed for her. She wants to move to Colorado Springs and rent a house. She works long hours at a job she loves. I was told in order to be able to move up there with her, I must have a full time job. She is moving there regardless. I do what I can because of physical and mental limitations and work part time as a machine operator in a dry cleaner. I don't make much money but I do what I can, and also do all the housework, cooking, dishes, etc etc which has not been a problem, I love my job and love taking care of her needs here, though we have not had sex in ages, I lost my physical arousal to her and she has lost her willingness to love me unconditionally. So it's both of us, not just her. I wanted to stay here until I have worked a solid year at the dry cleaner, but she won't wait. She longs for clubbing, and advancing in her career which is great, but I feel I am not worthy to keep up with it. In the meantime she is willing to live up there without me for 9 months, with no problem. So sometimes I feel the urge to divorce and just find a companion rather than a wife, and sometimes the thought sickens me because I love my wife. Dammit alI wish I knew how to fix this mess. She also has a backup man named Lee, who had sex with her when she was 13. He is 74 now! The fact he would willingly move in with her, knowing she is married to me makes me furious.
51-55, M