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gemimaia · 26-30, F
Or maybe it should be the opposite. Because most other religions and non-religious people use their logic to make decisions like this, while all Christians can ever use is the Bible like it's the encyclopedia or something.
gemimaia · 26-30, F
Nobody is trying to alter the meaning of the Bible. I'm clarifying the Bible's place in society. It shouldn't be used to make laws. No religious text should.

And what do you mean by non-religious people? You mean atheists? Or non-Christians? Not all weddings have to be Christian weddings lol. You say that like there's only one way to get married.

I could say the same thing about Christians trying to make decisions about matters that have to deal with human rights.
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gemimaia · 26-30, F
@SaladTosser Oh so if a couple goes up to you guys and asks someone to marry them, you guys will only do it if their Christian? Yeah that doesn't sound rude at all.

How do you know what religion someone is affiliated with? You're gonna ask? Is it your place to ask? Or should you just be grateful that someone is giving you the honor of marrying them regardless.

Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
A Justice of the Peace is NOT part of a church. Not all marriages are done in a church. I was married in a hall with absolutely NO religious aspect in my wedding creaming at all! Marriage is not a neccessarily a religious sactamony.

Also who fucking cares who marries who!!!!!!!
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Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
Actually that’s not what you said originally but thanks for clarifying it now. @SaladTosser
Bean17 · 46-50, F
So you’re saying that the Christian community should be able to dictate how the whole rest of society should live their lives? Talk about oppression.🙄
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Bean17 · 46-50, F
Yeah Christians can be some of the most intolerant, judgmental, hypocritical people ever.😑@SaladTosser
Religion is oprresive
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dark548 · M
They did have a say and they lost
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dark548 · M
@SaladTosser ok then that's different
dark548 · M
@SaladTosser gay people should be allowed to marry but a Christian priest shouldn't be forced to do so. Every side has their bad agents. It's petty revenge.
how? christianity is not the only religion that practices marriage
@SaladTosser what about priests who are for gay marriage? are they allowed a choice in who they officiate if this goes through?
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@SaladTosser then your plan is equally oppressive isn’t it?
Oppressive anti oppression is one of the biggest social problems we have in the western hemisphere these days. Oppressive anti oppression and tactical dishonesty.
pandainpinktutu · 26-30, F
Secular state. Separated from religion.
dark548 · M
Secular government and freedom to practice or not practice a religion
I’m making fish and chips for tea tonight. Just thought I would mention... lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
Only for other Christians. And based on the rules of their church, they have decided. But in a non-theocratic country they have no right to decide what non-Christians do, any more than Islam has the right to dictate what non-Muslims do.
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@SaladTosser If non-Christians stay out of Christians’ churches, homes, Christian schools and social gatherings, they’re not intruding. In a secular country Christians have no right to expect or demand anything more.

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