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I Believe Long Distance Relationship Can Work

Im in one now and yes they can work if both individuals really love each other and put effort into the relationship. I had a previous long distance relationship for 3 years but we never met up and hardly ever talked so I stopped expecting a call or video chat, and moved on. After 9 months of no contact from and me being in a new relationship he texted me telling me he missed me and I replied with I have a boyfriend. I found out he was with a girl in his hometown but he wasn't the only one she was with. I told I was sorry to hear that and hoped he finds the one for him. I've been with my current boyfriend for 8 months and have seen each other at least once a month since we first met. I've been to his city and he's been to mine. I told myself I'd never be in a long distance relationship ever again due to previous ones failing. However, this time it's different and it's worth it.
Danez · M
Excellent! Best of luck that it continues to grow stronger for you both. Sometimes the distance thing will make you miss each other more and make the reunions more special.
AJMClassof18 · 26-30, F
@Danez you're definitely right about that. Even though the last time I saw him was two weeks ago, I miss him. But every time I see him it's like I'm seeing himand for the first time again.
Danez · M
@AJMClassof18 thats great... keep that up. being apart doesn't allow you to take one another for granted.
AJMClassof18 · 26-30, F
@Danez I will. Yeah I know I don't take our relationship for granted. Besides a person who strongly believe in monogamy when it come to relationships. So once I'm.with someone I only have eyes for them until they give me a reason for why I shouldn't be with them

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