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Been here before

Weird stuff ha pending with my mental health
Although I’m happy
I’m in a place after letting go of bonds that didn’t make me happy.
I’ve struggled to open up
In my relationship which is fairly new there have been some very serious struggles.
And I’ve had to ask myself everyday is this where I want to be

And the answer is yes.
I’ve finally found someone that has given me the feeling I have always wanted.
At times it’s been hard because of normal couple arguments and we can be really mean to each other.
But we are working on better communication and the fact we are both working and achieving it fairly quickly tells me we both want this so much.
He is my pride.
He is beautiful to me
And he makes me feel beautiful

But yes we got drunk a few times and we screamed at each other
Fought each other
And him being a man
There were times I was scared
But I too have had him scared and these are things we both don’t want again .
I’m proud of us for recognising this
And we both agreed to never get that drunk again.
And he has kept to his promise
I am going to keep to mine

I am feeling like myself again
After various efforts of trying to please the people in my life
I have decided to please me first
And I’m content
With a roof
And food water and love.
But he is spurred on by me
He wants to provide more for me
And I’ve never had this
He has changed jobs recently to earn more money for us
And I am grateful for him
He has his own demons
And the fact that we are making each other better is a happy place.

Thank you universe
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SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
Careful with that... Him wanting to please you... That is the siren's call that sends many men to wreck themselves on your rocks.

Sometimes it's an indicator that his misery still plagues him.

When we can sit still, quietly, with nothing, in the wreckage of our defeat, and still laugh softly with each other. That's when we know we've made it.
Hi good luck and welcome
Simpleboy1 · 31-35, M
Jungleman · M
one thing; demons don't exist except in the minds of man.

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