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Ladies, if you were having an affair with your neighbor's husband, wouldn't you want to be as inconspicuous as possible?

I just can't figure this... its really none of my business but I have a neighbor who lives right next door. On the streets, she is known as Sunshine. I have another neighbor who lives 2 houses down, next to her. That neighbor is a married couple. The man who lives there also has a house across the street in which his mother lived before she died. The house is vacant but he owns it.

At that vacant house, I often see the man's car and Sunshine's car parked together. Sunshine has a reputation so I'm sure they're not just having a cup of coffee.

What irks me is if she's going to sleep with the woman's husband, why does she park her car there at that house instead of parking it at her own house and just walk across the street? Sometimes, the lady is even home and I see both of their cars parked there. What kind of ho does this?
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How do you know the wife isn't in that house with them?
@RocktheHouse My guy, I'm asking how do you know the three of them aren't simply friends? They could be having a prayer meeting.
@SW-User They're praying alright. I bet she's calling on the lord.
Nick1 · 61-69, M
@RocktheHouse she is practicing what Jesus said…Love thy neighbor 😁
valentinesdaywife · 41-45, F
Our neighbor had this going on for like 3 years, not exactly as bold with the car
No one had a clue
@valentinesdaywife The cheater didn't park the car at the house? 😆 I mean, why would you be so obvious unless you want someone to find out?
valentinesdaywife · 41-45, F
Lol, no the cheater walked a few blocks and parked there
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Maybe they have a deal?
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
I’m guessing wifey knows and approves. Perhaps it turns her on. Perhaps she even participated. Maybe they have equipped a nice playroom in the vacant house.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
One that doesn’t care??
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I guess two cars was having sex too
@FreestyleArt A Ford and a Telsa? What kinda abomination ...
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
@RocktheHouse well you know how generation goes......."Ooohhh you look good Tesla. Those boobs on the front and that round ass on the back Mmmmmmm"
@FreestyleArt 🤣 Once you go Tesla, you never go back.

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