My female co-worker and I have been very friendly with each other for 3 years now .. she knows I like her because I help her make beds where we work .
I don’t have to .. but I do it because she’s sweet on me.. and I know it can look like she is manipulating me just by showing me 5 seconds of kindness sometimes .. and that’s what I’m confused about .. we pitched in for dinner and drinks were flowing . And she says “how come you act like you don’t want me” ? But the thing is .. I do!! But when we are sober .. she acts like I don’t exist! So as I guy.. I say I’m not wasting my time on you then!.. but once we start drinking together.. she gets affectionate and flirty with me.. and I’m already pissed and ignoring her because she ignored me all day .. and I so I move on.. and then the next day she is really nice to me and I’m giving the cold shoulder until she says “what’s your problem” and I tell her! And she just rolls her eyes and says “whatever weirdo” and we both ignore each other .. and then she gets drunk and wants a hug and apologizes .. and like a stupid idiot I am .. I take her apology .. and the the cycle continues .. is this healthy ?? I know she wants my nuts .. but I’m not just messing around anymore . I get too attached ..and then they move on and leave me with a broken heart! I just don’t understand women sometimes