Chayapenina · 22-25, F
LeopoldBloom · M
Absolutely. It's even possible to fall in love with someone you haven't even spoken to - only written back and forth.
The problem with how the Internet has made this so easy is that you can fall in love with people that you never would have spent ten minutes with if you'd met them in real life.
The problem with how the Internet has made this so easy is that you can fall in love with people that you never would have spent ten minutes with if you'd met them in real life.
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LeopoldBloom · M
@AnnaM: Why is it scary? She was a perfectly reasonable person, just not someone I would have hooked up with if I'd met her the first time in person.
AnnaM · 31-35, F
the disappointment, I suppose
AnnaM · 31-35, F
Especially if you've been talking to this person for a while
mrmoose · 70-79, M
i met her on ep
AnnaM · 31-35, F
How is that going?@mrmoose:
mrmoose · 70-79, M
yes, i did

It's easier! Consciously or unconsciously your imagination fills in what you don't know in the most exciting ways. Also you don't have to deal with any of the trivial annoyances of daily life with that person.

Yes, definitely. However, it can be very complicated to figure out if you are in love with the person or the persona...
AnnaM · 31-35, F
Makes sense @Lakesidepoet:

It must be because I am head over heels...😍
AnnaM · 31-35, F
It took you a month to fall in love? Why haven't you met him in person? Or have you?

@AnnaM: I did not say that? I meant we told each other how we felt about a month ago.
We plan on doing so, but it is not possible at the moment.
We plan on doing so, but it is not possible at the moment.
AnnaM · 31-35, F
Lol, ohh. I see
Well good luck🙂
Well good luck🙂

i did 2 times online. wouldnt do it.. they both ended up being people who flirt a lot with men.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@theowl: often the case, you have to be selective

well they pretended to be good girls that didnt do such things. but their mask fell off eventually. thats what taught me that what people say online can be false. i think they did it so people wouldnt look at them differently
Yup absolutely. Just be careful. When you finally meet the chemistry may be off
@AnnaM: yep seriously
AnnaM · 31-35, F
So you married someone you had no chemistry with?
Yep🙂 I value loyalty above all else. They loved me when I was unlovable. Chemistry isn't everything
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AnnaM · 31-35, F
@kingfish2: why not?

@AnnaM: Basic logic explains it.
AnnaM · 31-35, F
@kingfish2: ok
bijouxbroussard · F
I don't know if it's love, but it's definitely possible to become attached based upon how you "click" together online.
summersong · F
I imagine it is.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Aperson · M

it is possible :)
insextra · F

Yes you could fall in love.

ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Ever heard of a catfish?
AnnaM · 31-35, F
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M