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Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
I'm staying over at your sisters place:/
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@Jimmy2016: LMAO
@Jimmy2016: you made me laugh

Sweet517 · 51-55, F
I faked all those orgasms. 😂😂😂
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@Sweet517: How mean--even if it is true. LMAO
@Sweet517: lmfao
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
I wish you nothing but peace, and happiness. Be well.
Good luck...bitterness kills I want to move on...
I wish nothing but the best and happiness for you. You are one of the great loves of my life.

LadyWioness · 56-60, F
@Dewms: awwwww, sweet Dewmsy, don't cry. 🤗
@LadyWioness: :( :( Okay i wont... LOL im gonna hold it in 😆🤗💗
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
@Dewms: no! I didn't mean that like that. 😝 he's an idiot for letting you go!
I've told him all I've wanted to say. 😆 It was just like in the movies where you get the chance to say some bullshit stuff to them but in reality that usually never happens. I got that chance and it felt great.
I wish I had charrished your love like the treasure you were. You never meant to hurt me and I didn't either, but sometimes we do things we never intend to do.
If I could go back in time and change me before I internalized everything, I would treat you like the Princess, you are to this day.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I wish you and your family all the best….I will always love you.
MikefromEP · 51-55, M
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Bruja · F
If you're gonna cheat on me with some girl, at least pick one that looks like she brushes her teeth. 😂
@pinkpixie: lol
I wish you hadn't been such a d-bag, we could have remained friends.
Raymuundo · 46-50, M
Its been fun, all the best
tnjazz · 70-79, M
Sure do miss you
rckt148 · 61-69, M
all is forgiven ,I will love you forever ,,but you suck
that crap like to have killed me ,,you should have used my gun ,it would have been more humane ,But I do wish you well ,
you will defiantly be a hard act to follow
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
If I could rewind time back far enough to place her in my life again, I'd keep rewinding until I'd never met her, and then never meet her.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
"I wish you could've practice half the things you claimed you believed."
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
Before or after the break up ?
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
id tell then thanks for wasting my time
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
There's nothing to say.

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