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TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Why does there need to be more seperation?
nautilusX · 31-35, M
@TheLoveAge: I guess they are just trying to maintain some sense of identity . Not reacting and feeling like the normal crowd might make them feel abnormal . It simply justifies their preferences without coming out as crazy.
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
What if there's too much focus on justifying when people just need to be as they are freely to express themselves however they want without more groupings, label, and catch phrases and so on... What would happen if all that went away and we were all discussing with one another in a large forum, without names? @nautilusX:
nautilusX · 31-35, M
@TheLoveAge: I agree but isn't that idealistic and utopian. Can you find that in this world ever? Sometimes I think this site is the closest we could come to something like that.

Faust76 · 46-50, M
Mostly, if you mean "people whose way of thinking I like". To be fair, "sapiosexual" is not a great way to define interest, at it's core it's just another version of "I'd marry anyone with big butt", or big boobs or anything. Except that people tend to judge intelligence on thinkign similar to themselves, or conversely, believe their love-interest is the new Einstein even contrary to all evidence.
nautilusX · 31-35, M
@Faust76: yeah I get it. It's just like narrowing down the spectrum.
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
I agree that a separate sapiosexual group would be great:
"sapiosexual is a person who finds intelligence to be the most sexually attractive characteristic of another person."
Darina · F
@polyandrym66: The term "Sapiosexual" was introduced by the famous British actress, musician and singer Marianna Evelyn Faithfull.
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nautilusX · 31-35, M
@MalteseFalconPunch: I mean I think many women would describe themselves as one but I don't know how many men would.
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Darina · F
Human intelligence has always attracted the attention...
But not everyone will be happy with only this...
I love and physical intimacy...
Darina · F
sapiosexuals - a man who excites and attracts the intelligence of another person
That is me. I go for intelligence over most anything else.
Incongruence · 31-35, F
Maybe but nowadays its becoming a fashion for defining oneself as sapiosexual
Sonnet · 41-45, F
There are already several related groups
BatRinseRepeat · 31-35, F
Don't be nasty.

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