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Tjamison · 36-40, M
I think you just explained your attraction to each other. Both of you share a shyness.

GlassDog · 46-50, M
He might be looking for a sign that you like him, whether it's a look back, or a smile, or something. If you play it too cool, he may see that as meaning you're not interested.
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@GlassDog: I mean yeah, according to people, I act normal around him and I don't look like somebody who's interested at all. Even though on the inside, I'm dying of shyness
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@ArwenPandora: I only found out years later when girls at school were interested in me. Honestly, we guys really don't know. I know we always think the guy makes the first move, but usually the girl is giving some encouragement. We're shy too!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Why can't you be the one to initiate ?
Guys, generally, have a really hard time trying to decipher a woman's behaviour or thinking.
Especially on this whole....crush thing !
Ask him straight out !
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@Picklebobble2: OMG, me?! Thé introverted kid ? Everytime I talk to him, I get so confused I start saying random nonsense. I could never do that :(
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@ArwenPandora: Of course you can !!
Are you sure he's 'available'? I mean he's not carrying a torch for 'the one who got away' or anything ?
Ask him straight out !
Cooper802Forever · 22-25, M
Maybe because he does not want to take that step until he feels confident/sure about it. Sometimes if results aren't coming your way, you gotta razzle/spice it a bit so he feels like he just might have maybe trying chatting with him (even if it's something small) so he knows your not like 'out of his league' or you don't seem he does not have the guts to take the first step maybe you can take a baby first step in the direction and then he maybe just take it from there....
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@Cooper802Forever: That's exactly what I thought.
And even though I'm the hugest introvert ever I still tried to take baby steps.
I followed him on Instagram and Snapchat and didn't get a follow back. AND I complimented him on his hair, and asked to touch it, and I did.
How can I be more introvertedly obvious ? XD
Maybe he's just not interested ?
Whatever I guess...I won't see him in 4 months, so yeah...
Cooper802Forever · 22-25, M
@ArwenPandora: hmmm I see, he proabably is then....that or he's just a little to oblivious to realize the possible signs/opportunities. Only other thing I could see helping you is if you had a good friend in the class who could help you who like maybe knows him, the friend could ask him what he thinks of your just seemingly not paying attention doing something (Looking as if unaware of this happening) and she/he could try to get out what he thinks of you....and then report back to you after class or something and tell you
men are so risk averse, that they will let good things pass because they fear rejection.
missed his chance that way
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@plaguewatcher: :(
I am sorry,, girls are kept from being aggresive,, wich is dumb, have you considered making a move?
i LOVE your name btw.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
Maybe he's just shy around you?
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@Jimmy2016: He's not really the shy kid. But maybe I'm intimidating ?
A friend who had a crush on me before told me I look so distant that I scare guys XD
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
@ArwenPandora: Your Intimidating Beauty?
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@Jimmy2016: LOOOOOL no just intimidating XD
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ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@BoatTrain: Yah...
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ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@BoatTrain: Omg.
I don't have enough courage to do that XD
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Literally, huh?
ArwenPandora · 26-30, F
@hunkalove: XD

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