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SerenityGrowley · 36-40, F
Sounds like a long list of criteria to have to check off. Where have you tried so far?
SerenityGrowley · 36-40, F
@storykid I agree that's a good place to start. Common interests help a great deal at the start. Though over time partners tend to form joint interests too. You pick up some of theirs and vice versa. I'd say focus on the deal breakers first. Sounds like you value faith, intelegence, and imagination in a potential partner.
storykid · 31-35, M
@SerenityGrowley I also want her to have black hair because I'm more attracted to dark haired girls. I want us to have a lot in common but enough differences to make the relationship interesting.
SerenityGrowley · 36-40, F
@storykid It's good to have some preferences. It can help narrow the field. Sounds like you want want we all want in a partner: someone to be a lover and a best friend.

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