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Meribella · 31-35, F
Start by Loving yourself so that you can be open to recieve love ...
Focus on your happiness and being your true self with confidence and don’t settle!!!

But, you can live without them...I think it is finding someone you'd rather not live without, but perhaps that is splitting hairs...
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User I come from a long line of the same. Probably why I have a tremendous problem putting up with bullshit.
@LyricalOne I have put up with way too much, but that is pretty much over...
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Well you go girl! 💃
LyricalOne · F
Be that special someone, a whole person with your own life, beliefs, values, interests and other valuable gifts to bring to the table. Do not expect someone else to "complete you" 🤢 and make you happy. That's not their job.
@LyricalOne yes!!! ive been saying that. people who expect others to make them happy, puts a lot more strain on relationships. should be two complete people not people looking for each other to fill their needs and to make that person feel like they are whole. that can be toxic relationship having so much expectations on someone else to make you happy.
SeekingHappiness · 36-40, M
thats not really advice...its more like some cliche quote that is supposed to sound good..
Imma be a loveless hermit forever then I suppose.

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