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I Remember My First Crush

My first crush...was a boy named David in grade school. I liked him all through grade school. In high schoolg he was in my science class and I was out sick during lab day and I had to call him to find out what they used for lab that day. I called him several times and his mom and dad would take messages, but he wouldn't call me back and I had homework due. So I called again and he finally came to the phone and I asked how come he didn't call me back and he said he just forgot. I asked him what they used in lab and he told me the answer and I said thanks and goodbye and he acted like he couldn't believe I didn't say anything about liking him. I remember being glad I didn't like him anymore and how much of a snob he had become.
He's on Facebook, of course I stalk him. Lol....but then again I'm a Facebook stalker. Everyone is a victim on Facebook if they ever knew me.😆
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
My first crush was a girl in primary school, She was the most beautiful thing in the world for me at the time, didn't know I existed or didn't care :)
He's still as goodlooking now at 46 as he was as a small boy and teenager. Much nicer too. He's now an eye doctor in Arizona.
Wow... that is weird coming from him. I mean... even at a young age that comes across as terribly snobbish.
Janbos...only if you give me interesting stories and pictures to look at. Ha
Funny how our impressions can change, sometimes so quickly
JanBos2 · 61-69, M
:), we will become your victim on Similar Worlds also?
JanBos2 · 61-69, M
lol..........good reply! but i ll do that when i can email privately......:)
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
@Djs oh well we all need a hobby I suppose ;)
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
You stalking him @Djsmum! ;)

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