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I Have a Crush On Someone

She is an old friend. But we stopped talking to each other a while ago, for stupid reasons, a conflict that wasn't even between the two of us. So basically we stopped talking for like 6-7 years, she has a family now and everything. We've been talking and seeing each other now, we are so glad we are friends again, we want to recover all the lost time.

We can't see each other as often since I need to take a plane to visit her. But this last time we met, there was some tension, at least on my side. She kept telling me how pretty I was, and hugging me unexpectedly, but, it was weird, Idk, at some point she mentiones how she had been with a girl when she was younger and stuff (she knows I am bisexual).

She messages me a lot, and I do too. But sometimes I feel the compliments we give each other are more romantic than friendly, but I don't know if that is because girls talk to each other like that, aaghh. I mean, I don't plan to act on it. But I will like to know if I should be a bit more distant or just go with the flow..

I know, I am just mumbling but is 6am here xD
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becca00f · 22-25, F
sounds like part of the issue from before was her not knowing about her feeling towards you and now wants to pursue those feelings
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
HeyLookItsGemma · 31-35, F
Sounds platonic. You may be overthinking it due to your attraction to her and making connections that don't really exist. I think if she has a family then it would be kind of bad to pursue something along those lines even if it was romantic. Flirting dieing equate the wish for an affair and I don't know about you but I could never love with myself knowing I facilitated the break up of a family just to fulfil a crush on someone
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
Me neither, I have a family of my own. I am married as well.
But I think you are right, I shouldn't make assumptions. Sometimes it gets weird, like this last time she told me I should go visit her when her husband is on a trip, so we have more alone time.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
hahaha, love the image, but as I said, I don't plan to act on it, at all.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
She is maybe trying to see if you are sexually attracted to her. She probably has no intention of acting on it but is just looking for reassurance that she is still sexually attractive. Then again maybe she wants an affair with you.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
It is a possibility, I see her so sad lately. I would never take advantage of her situation to have an affair with her. I rather have a friend for life. Besides, it's kinda cute, since we know each other since we where 15, I prefer to keep it as a platonic love :P
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@CrazyCatLady: Good for you
Hawnheart · 61-69
Friends with benefits?
It's amazing what goes through your head so early in the morning.
laxmi23 · 31-35, F
Just go with the flow

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