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I Have Been In An Abusive Relationship

I wasn't gonna post about this because mainly I know no one will care but I just needed to vent somewhere... anyways yesterday I went to go see him, he said he wanted to talk so I just went to see if he was doing okay. And of course when I get there he's drunk and already starts saying rude things to me like "why are you so skinny" and "i hope you aren't fuc**ng other people.... after I didn't answer he threw a broken piece of glass at me and started yelling while walking towards me. To make the long story short I ended up going back home with multiple bruises on my body and face. It still hurts and tbh I think I have a broken rib.
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LyricalOne · F
I do care and you should report this to the police.
internetloser · 22-25, M
@LyricalOne I want to but I don't wanna cause any trouble
LyricalOne · F
@internetloser He deserves to be in jail. And you deserve to be treated better.
There are people who do actually care ! Sounds like you should just stay away from this guy . The thing is people don't change ,once an abuser always an abuser . Please respect yourself enough to move on from this guy . You can do better !
trackboy · 26-30, M
why dont you defend yourself and fight back? and why dont answer your pms? you said you want to make friends to talk with on here.
Like you defend yourself? Leave him alone or Ill call you out@trackboy
prtr650 · 61-69, M
I'm sorry that happened to you but trust me not all guys are like that
prtr650 · 61-69, M
@internetloser I don't have to tell you about being careful but don't let one dickhead ruin your life and don't listen to the trolls that have nothing better to do than talk shit they don't have a life of there own and are jealous of what you have
@prtr650 Jealous of someone dealing with abuse ? Seriously ? He should get away from him ASAP. Doesn’t matter if “all guys aren’t like that”. This one is, and unfortunately they don’t wear signs, so sometimes you don’t know at first. And it doesn’t get better—it escalates.
prtr650 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard I was talking about the trolls telling him to get a life I think the guy that abused him should be shot
jimjim1969 · M
Why do you go to him?
prtr650 · 61-69, M
@jimjim1969 why don't you?
internetloser · 22-25, M
@jimjim1969 I don't know. I just thought he changed
jimjim1969 · M
@internetloser time to move on
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internetloser · 22-25, M
I came here to vent and that's what I'm doing. You're making no sense at all. Please go away. I really can't be asked to argue with anyone .@RemovedUsername845068
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MissTaken · 36-40, F
Having experienced an abusive marriage my advice is avoid him like the plague - he will NEVER change. Report him to the police without delay
FlyingCircus · 61-69, M
You should call the police, and have him put in prison.
Someone needs to smash a bottle off his skull.
Get away from him as soon as possible.
internetloser · 22-25, M
@SW-User we arent dating anymore
@internetloser Good.
Find ways to cease contact with him. He's only going to make your life more miserable. Guys like these never ever improve.
The more you spend time around him or thinking about him, you're further tying up yourself emotionally with him, and later on it would be extremely hard to let go.
You're young, nice looking, and you still have plenty of time to work on yourself and find new people to love.
Got to agree with @meregardless if you can't get away seek help as soon as possible. You're also going to need as much support as you can get.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
I was in an abusive relationship. Abusers do not change. I hope you have a moment of clarity and see that.

Some people on SW do care and obvs some are just assholes. Block the assholes.
FlyingCircus · 61-69, M
You really have to stay away. You could end up being killed. He could push you, and you could fall down, and hit your head by accident.
Sadistic and narcissistic. Needs his jaw broken and his hands. I care. Talk to me.
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internetloser · 22-25, M
@dunpender no.. I won't
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@dunpender That's not a solution, not helping.

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