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If they get emotional when talking about an ex.

They’re not over that relationship! Sad, angry, or happy. Emotional displays over ex’s and what they did are a big red flag!!! 🚩
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The doubt of if it's you they want or their ex can be crippling, too.

It's even worse if they hide it for years and they're later recounting things they did with their ex, like they did it with you.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

I get emotional talking about people from ages ago that i haven't spoke to or seen in years. Not just relationships but friendships as well.

none of this is red flag.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
IZ De a wifeZ CryinGz MiZzinGz De PooLz boi?

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