Tumbleweed · F
Look around, join in some normal conversation, if you can find any 😆
But I agree with @Selah be very careful.
Enjoy :)
But I agree with @Selah be very careful.
Enjoy :)
Bleak · 36-40, F
Relationship goals over here??
Not a good idea.
Not a good idea.
HumanEarth · F
Nope, but if you want to talk. I'll talk
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
You're Expecting too much
Selah ·
We're all talking here. Just pick a forum and contribute. If you're looking for romance, good luck, this site is full of catfish and personality disordered people.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Put yourself out there if your lonely .
But I'm gonna tell you another thing if you put yourself quick in there . " You could end up even lonelier if your in a relationship" .
If your doing it out of desperation.
But I'm gonna tell you another thing if you put yourself quick in there . " You could end up even lonelier if your in a relationship" .
If your doing it out of desperation.
YoMomma ·
Unfortunately reality is rarely like that.. especially here .. save yourself
8INCHSheffieldGuy · 41-45, M
There are always people to chat to mate online, over the phone or in person
NavySealedit · M
Run. Here you'll get entagled with psycho lunatics if you look for a girl to chat with. Of course, there might be one or two exceptions.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
It would be nice just to have some regular friends on this mother f***** LOL. I've got a couple cool people I talked to but nobody I'm like super close to yet.