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How people can "lose themselves" and what to do about it.

We can "lose ourselves" when we prioritize the needs and desires of others over our own, neglect self-care, become overly focused on external validation, experience significant life changes without proper processing, or are deeply immersed in stressful situations that deplete our energy, leading to a disconnect from our true identity; to resolve this, focus on self-reflection, reconnect with your passions, set healthy boundaries, practice self-care, and seek support from loved ones or a therapist, if needed.

Key ways we can "lose ourselves":

People-pleasing: Constantly trying to please others at the expense of our own needs and desires.

Lack of self-awareness: Not taking time to understand our own values, goals, and emotions.

Burnout: Overexerting ourselves in work, relationships, or other areas of life without sufficient rest.

Unhealthy relationships: Being in relationships where we feel pressured to conform or are not treated with respect. God did not make us to be controlled or a slave to anyone. Those are toxic relationships which one needs to resolve or get out. Love and respect yourself enough not to put up with that nonsense.

Social pressure: Conforming to societal expectations or standards that don't align with our true self.

Trauma: Experiencing a traumatic event that significantly impacts our sense of self.

Neglecting hobbies and passions: Not engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

How to "find yourself" again:

Self-reflection: Journaling, meditation, or simply taking time to contemplate your thoughts and feelings to identify areas where you might be compromising yourself.

Identify core values: Understand what truly matters to you and guide your decisions based on those values.

Set boundaries!!: Learn to say no and prioritize your own needs in relationships. Don't beat yourself up for giving in. Instead, change your mind and you will change your life. When you know better, you do better. Don't repeat your mistakes because if they didn't work the first time, they are not going to work the second time. Life tells us and gives us warnings about what things we need to change so we can be happy in life, as the Lord intended. If you love yourself, you will take care of yourself and not let anyone cross your boundaries. Don't be too trusting. You teach people how you want to be treated.

Practice self-care: Prioritize activities that nourish your physical and mental well-being like exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques.

Reconnect with passions: Reengage in activities that bring you joy and a sense of purpose.

Seek professional help: If you are struggling to navigate complex emotions or situations, consider therapy to gain insights and develop coping mechanisms.

A good Bible verse to remind us not to allow others to abuse us, is 2 Corinthians 11:19-21, which says, "For you, being so wise, gladly tolerate and accept the foolish! For you tolerate it, if anyone makes you his slave; or devours you and your possessions; or takes advantage of you; or acts presumptuously; or hits you in the face.".

Key points from this verse:

Setting boundaries:
Encourages people to not let others take advantage of them or treat them poorly, even if it means setting boundaries and not allowing themselves to be "slaves" to abusive behavior.

Recognizing manipulation:
The verse highlights the potential for others to "devour" or "take advantage" of someone, which can be a sign of manipulative or abusive behavior.

By not tolerating abuse, you are respecting yourself and your own well-being.

Proverbs 13:20:
"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."

Proverbs 22:24-25:
"Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared."

Matthew 7:12:
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

Important to remember:

While the Bible encourages forgiveness and loving your enemies, it does not condone allowing yourself to be abused. We can forgive so we don't carry hatred in our hearts, but that doesn't mean we are to continue to keep company with abusers! We don't even allow our friends to treat us this way, so why would we allow someone to abuse us this way? This is not loving yourself.

If you are experiencing abuse, it is crucial to seek help from trusted individuals, support groups, or professional counseling alongside relying on scripture for guidance.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M Best Comment
Thank you for such a wonderful insight. I think It should be standard operating procedure for human beings and should be posted at the display board of every office as well as educational Institute. The moment we join offices, we are told to say, "Yes Sir" and "Boss is always right" which leaves little scope for self discovery.

Similarly in every relationship, this should be taught to respect oneself. A true person who loves you truly will teach you how to respect yourself.

Unfortunately, disrespecting oneself continues as a cycle. Some people can not learn this art of respecting oneself when they are being abused early in their life from any of their loved ones and then, when they are out, they need that love and to gain that love, they compromise with their self respect knowing that in doing so, probably that other person would be closer to them as if they were a part of their family and there, he never learns self respect or self boundary and they become people pleaser.

And then, they need a teacher who can really teach how to put these things to an end, how to end this vicious cycle of self disrespect and suffering. It is really dangerous for one. Your words resonate with the LIFE COACH. Thank you again for writing on this subject. I see your posts are valuable.
Unfortunately, disrespecting oneself continues as a cycle. Some people can not learn this art of respecting oneself when they are being abused early in their life

Truer words were never spoken, but remember. As adults we are now in control and we never have to put up with that again. We are our own person. We run our own ship!

riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Lady Grace your on the ball with every description 😊😊😊
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace Lady Grace I wouldn't mind you being around me all the time . I could put you into my pocket when I need you and your there 😂😂🙏🙏🙏
@riseofthemachine well that would be cool. I would finally have somebody to go on beautiful scenic drives and stuff hahaha
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace 😂😂😂😂
level40two · 56-60, M
Albert Ellis (I think) had a list of ten rational and irrational ideas. One of which stated "it is an irrational idea to think that the world should revolve around one person." This is just one of the little jewels I learned in my first semester of psychology while in college in the fall of '86.
@level40two Exactly! And one must love and respect themselves enough not to allow abuse in their lives.
level40two · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace the really sad thing is, not many people know these rational and irrational ideas even exist. It's a shame these ideas are not readily taught.
@level40two Agreed. Wouldn't you love to see a course on this subject in high school, instead of teaching something totally useless like trigonometry? Just think how it could change the world and teens before they jump out of high school. That would do a lot more good. They are not prepared for any of this.
Shybutwilling2 · 61-69
Thanks for this post

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