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I feel so hurt today, but I did it to myself

So I always give a hundred second chances because I believe in love.
But there comes a point when enough is enough. I thought finaly we agreed that we both would take time just for ourselves and catch up. Like I asked her to- I will tell her what is up in my life when we get the chance to talk properly( or when she gets the time because she is always distant. That would have been better said, but wouldn't be good saying it to her)

And what happens? She leds me on to believe this is it, we have some time to catch up after months of barely saying hi. I tell her the scoop of what I have been going through lately and only for her to say ' I'm sorry, I need to do xyz' and doesn't get back to me until hours later. Just cutting of a conversation which didn't last ten minutes mind you. And of course she didn't share anything about herself and what is going on in her life.
She got the scoop, stopped the conversation before talking about herself.

Do I feel like a fool....yes. I should have just kept quiet. I should have known she'd do this. Making me believe she wants to connect when all she wants is the latest scoop.

It's not that she is busy, she just avoids talking about herself. But she loves to know other people's business. From now on, she will have to earn my time, she will have to earn me telling her anything.

She doesnt reciprocate. She doesn't even want to talk about her emotional distance. She always has "to really go". Then go. I'm setting you free. You don't get to psychoanalyze me when you yourself don't get what you are.

You're an avoidant attachment personality. Figure it out yourself. All you do is hurt the ones who love you.

Now I know where I stand after many times of trying, telling about the way I feel.
I realize she only loves the ego boost she gets when keeping someone at arms length and thinking they won't leave.
But guess what? I had enough of feeling humiliated. When life gets easier, you will find time to love again? That’s basicaly what you said to me.
Love doesnt work that way. You don't give up on love when life gets tough if you truly love a person. Life never gets easier. So by your logic, it would take a lifetime for you to stop and realize you have given up on love
Hope this means you’re truly done with her. As the expression goes fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And you’re well beyond twice.
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, MNew
@OlderSometimesWiser oh believe me, I am well beyond a hundred times. I woke feeling ashamed, like a big blanket of shame inside for being treated this way for so long. I am honestly done trying
@AgoodpeasantamI No need for shame, we’re all human and make mistakes. Important part is taking it as a valuable lesson learned and not repeating it. That’s when you become a stronger, more confident person moving forward.
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, MNew
@OlderSometimesWiser thank you, that's really true. This will teach me how to deal with such people in the future. And seeing all the red flags in her behaviour, I won't make the same mistake again
Beautywithin · 36-40, F
People don't change especially if you keep giving them chances and letting them get away with things.

Also from my point of view if i hadn't spoke to someone in a while id find it hard to open up. But then i wouldnt leave the other person hanging.

Love shouldn't be hard work.
kutee · T
you did the right thing, she sound slike a nightmare
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, MNew
@kutee she does. I regret opening up once again just to get hurt.
kutee · T
@AgoodpeasantamI oh we've all been there, i guess youll learn how ot be mor epicky wiht lovers
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, MNew
@kutee I will most certainly. This is a big lesson for me

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