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I just feel completely broken at this point

Like I'm not capable of handling everything on my plate. I've never wanted a relationship to work out more. He's immature and self centered but still. It doesn't matter. Those are petty things in the scheme. He's still a person, who is my child's father, who I've been dependent on, and who I would do anything to make it work with. Almost anything. I could go back, but he doesn't love me. I've hurt him. Not in the same ways he has hurt me. I've been mean, out of anger. The last four years have been so hard. Its changed me. I'm not myself. I'm not lving life the way you are. But now without him, I'm worse off. And this isn't good for my son. But neither is a relationship where parents just fight. I talked to my therapist yesterday and she insinuated her opinion would be not to go back. And she is helping me find legal advice. I've made calls today but got no one. This is a nightmare and I don't know how I'm going to make it through. There's a lot more serious stuff that I don't talk about here, so while I sound pathetic, and weak, I'm actually not, I just don't share the fulls cope of things. I feel like this is important to add. If my life was a little more normal I think I'd be handling everything better. But my brain is just ... Total overload. And my heart and my confidence is crushed.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
I'll tell you just one thing. You are much more stronger than you think. You might be currently blinded by the pain and false illusion that he brought quality in your life, but that's not the case. Otherwise, the situation you're in wouldn't be happening. He's not willing to put effort in it, time to move on. You're preventing yourself true happiness by looking back at illusions. As for the father part, if he wants to, he can always be a good dad to his kiddo. Don't let that stop you from moving on.
You don’t sound pathetic and weak at all. You sound like a human being under enormous pressure facing a challenging set of circumstances trying to figure it all out. And you will, for your son and for yourself because you both deserve the very best life. Hang in there, take one step at a time, the fog will start to clear and you’ll be on your way.
Rebirth · 26-30, M
Things may seem hopeless now, but it will get better. Things do end up sorting themselves out.

Im so sorry about your situation. You will overcome this. You're strong enough.
scorpio611 · 41-45, M
If you are handling this much you aint weak at all. Just calm down. Take it easy build up a strategy to work it out. Also start practising yoga and meditation it does wonders
I don't see you as weak at all .I see someone who is strong and resilient who is fighting for her child and just wants her son to have a family .
deadteddy · 26-30, F
He is missing out on having a beautiful family. But maybe he’ll only realize it when he’s older and probably much too late.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
you're a good person
you (and he) deserve to be happy

I'm sorry this is your lot in life for the time being
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