This woman at work tried to kiss me again today ? Part 3 💋
No. She just stopped by to say hello to everyone there. She just got a new job at a department store down the block a few days ago. I enjoyed working with this young lady. She was as light hearted and cheerful as she was chaotic. She came by the office and gave me a nice smile. She looks like she's happier now. Now I don't know about her relationship mess but it seems calm at the moment. But anyway I am glad she's ok. But damn girl. Like why you be wearing them tight ass yoga pants hugging up on your nice cute frame. 😂 I mean like really. 🙄
She looks good. 👀 But I don't eat off another man's plate. That's not cool. So yeah that's where the story is now. But what a character she is. Oh my gosh. Sometimes you just can't help but be attracted to certain people even if they are a bit messy. Do ya know what I mean [b][b]SW [/b][/b]🤔 And yes she still looks like Thandie Newton.
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She looks good. 👀 But I don't eat off another man's plate. That's not cool. So yeah that's where the story is now. But what a character she is. Oh my gosh. Sometimes you just can't help but be attracted to certain people even if they are a bit messy. Do ya know what I mean [b][b]SW [/b][/b]🤔 And yes she still looks like Thandie Newton.
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