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Ladies and gents chime in: New generation of women state they really dont need a man and that theyre a waste of time. List below and thoughts?

Ladies have stated:
1. Men have no substance and that theyre boring. They just go off looks , search for sex and its the same old vanilla convo.

2. Women have the means to pay their own bills. What do they need a man for?

3. Women are adopting and ivf. What do they need a man for?

4. Men are a waste of time .

5. Women have education and the means to provide for themselves. Why be bothered with the drama of men?
Alessa · 18-21, F
I need men but I don't need a romantic relationship with anyone. I enjoy being single and love it...most my friends are men though.
@Alessa why do you feel you NEED a man? You sound pretty independent and comfortable with that.
Alessa · 18-21, F
@starbucksgirly Need is probably too strong, I enjoy men and would miss them if they were all suddenly gone. I don't think anyone should NEED anyone. Need implies they'll die or something if they don't get it.
For me, it’s never been about needing a man. I’m quite independent and have always been able to take care of myself. My relationships with men have always come about out of wanting to be together and enriching each other’s lives.
@OlderSometimesWiser do you enjoy being single? Does it being you more peace than a relationship?
@starbucksgirly I enjoy both. Single, as I like my own company. In a relationship, as I also like companionship. Both bring me peace and contentment. I certainly don’t find men to be a waste of time. Perhaps because I choose them wisely.
Fatalice · 41-45, F
I didn’t need a man as I was being cared for by family but I much prefer it now I have one as I don’t feel a Burden any more
Fatalice · 41-45, F
Homeless would be the least of my problems I pm you@starbucksgirly
@Fatalice i dont do private messages .those are blocked
Fatalice · 41-45, F
Well my size means I’m very dependent on him for a lot of basics@starbucksgirly
I’ve lived without any man in my life romantically for going on 3.5 years. I like the attention but i don’t really miss anything else. Unfortunately most of the guys in my life were also interested in other men 😂.
@Gingerbreadspice so you feel more at peace with being single?
@Gingerbreadspice less drama men can be a bit much
Ontheroad · M
One hundred years ago these words/thoughts would have been heretical, today not so much, but I'm wondering where those thoughts will be 50-100 years from now.

I think we are in a time where women are experiencing, or at least beginning to experience freedoms and rights their not-too-distant female relatives never dreamed of.

Men don't need women either (minus populating the planet), but have always ruled the world and so abused their relationships with women.

I do think most of us (men and women) enjoy or want an equal relationship with another, but we haven't got to the equal part yet.

I think in time we will, and I think then those thoughts may, at that point, be quite different.
@Ontheroad these are not my words
Ontheroad · M
@starbucksgirly point taken, I see that now.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
It’s so important that women are educated and able to support themselves because so many relationships go south and we are left to support ourselves and our kids, often with no financial support from the father.
@Jenny1234 absolutely!! And i thinn a lot of women are seeing this . That its not safe to be dependent on a man they can leave at any minute.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@starbucksgirly absolutely! We can never depend on anyone but ourselves. This is something I’ve drilled into my daughters heads since they were 10 or younger
Nick1 · 61-69, M
You need sperm to do ivf 😆
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@starbucksgirly True they don’t need the relationship with a man but technically they do need a man for his sperm. But I get what you’re saying.
@JustDJ76 yeah i get what youre saying too. I think they just dont want a relationship
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Sounds like men gotta step up.
@deadgerbil my bad thought u were one of those bots that keep popping up in messenger
@CountScrofula yeah i turned off my inbox request because of it. 🤣
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
@starbucksgirly she is a bot
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
Like Cher said, men are a nice addition. But not necessary.
Jessmari · 41-45
It's true that women can be completely independent, but the wording in that list sort of comes off like an angsty teen. I think more women don't want to be as tied down like previous generations thinking that is what they have to do. I get that.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
It's interesting.
Men have never needed women either (procreation aside), but most men strive for the means to protect and provide for a woman.
Men work to provide for a woman. Women work to become 'independent.'

Why the difference??
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
I would say item #1 applies to some percentage of males but not all men. I totally agree with item #2 and #3, item #4 is true for a certain percentage of males but not all men and varies by the women considering the male. I totally agree with item #5.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
I agree, but am still hopeful to find a husband because I still enjoy the companionship with a man….although dating nowadays is deflating that dream.
It's like having a dog. It's work but it brings companionship and joy. You just have to decide if it's worth it.
I didn't know woman used men at one point. I thought people got married out of companionship needs.
Samek · 36-40, M
And let's be honest, with our stagnating misogynistic culture, most men ain't worth the hassle.
jackson55 · M
Men have the same feeling about many women. Nice to have around. But don’t need one.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
I asked that question a couple years back?????You don't need males:)
@Nevertooold wow, seems the topic is still going strong or has progressed. What a prediction 😳
Samek · 36-40, M
In this economy, don't blame them!
@Samek do you think times have changed tremendously as far as mens upbringing?
Samek · 36-40, M
@starbucksgirly eh, it's the same old song and dance. Only change is technology making everything more prevalent and extreme.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
It's better than not being allowed to go to school, staying home and sewing all day, and not having any options.
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Alessa · 18-21, F
@Nitedoc I just leave them, they cut down on the flying bug problem.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Alessa Good point.

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