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it is said everyone in this world is connected thru only 6 people...let's give it a try...more than an autograph\signed book.

ernie hewitt of houston texas, danny\willow kline of san fran area, former wrestler george 2 ton harris, country music's statler brothers, john demaso of charlottesville va, p.buckley moss painter.of virginia\florida. an extra for car buffs...porsche dealer weldon\cole scrogham.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Some connections are going to be easy, and you'll know the connection off the top of your head, but others might require extendive research into one or more of the connections.
There's a popular variation of this called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon", which in my case is easy (only 2 steps from me to Kevin Bacon.....I played tennis withJohn McEnroe, who played guitar on stage with Kevin Bacon).
Most are going to take a lot more work to figure out how to connect within six steps.
This is as close as I come:

4 relatives, a Barrett Jackson Auction trader/collector, then Jay Leno

Relative, Publicist, Collin Farrell, Bono, Russell Crowe, supporting members of U2

Research institute PR director, Trauma team, ER chief surgeon/NASA shuttle Columbia astronaut, the Columbia Shuttle crew, & a NASA shuttle Discovery astronaut from first return to space following Challenger disaster.
lpthehermit · 56-60, M
@SethGreene531 i should have included weldon\cole scroggham the Porsche dealer.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
The Statler Brothers are definitely within 6 connections from me as they have a connection to Kevin Bacon via Barbara Mandrell.
.any of the others I've never heard of, and researching could be difficult and time consuming.
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