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What do people think of this poem?

Normally I do more usual rhyme structure but this one is more all over the place:

“Im not looking for a relationship”
You mean you’re not looking for me
Some other prettier and perkier girl
Will change that for you I’m sure
It’s just a polite way of saying
I’m not interested in you now or ever
Fair enough I don’t blame you
I wouldn’t want me either I’m a mess

“I’m not looking for a relationship”
That’s what they always say
Maybe they just stuttered
But I think they meant to say
“I’m not looking for a relationship”
“Not looking for one in you”
“I don’t see a future in your eyes”
“I don’t cry when you say goodbye”
“I don’t miss you when you’re gone”
“I like you…but you’re not the one”
“I wouldn’t give up my time for you”
“Not even a minute or two”
“No I’m not looking for a romance”
“But if a beautiful girl approached perchance”
“I wouldn’t be closed off to the idea”
“Oh no for you I wouldn’t even consider”
“Icl im not looking for a relationship”
Been there done that. The bridge goes both ways though.
Well done keep up the great work
SparklyBubbles · 18-21, F
@SW-User thank you :)
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
My suggestion would be to keep moving because there's someone for everyone.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@SparklyBubbles You're concerned because you suspect someone is being polite by rejecting you, I say keep going and try not to get hung up on that
SparklyBubbles · 18-21, F
@uncalled4 lol that’s what I write poems so I can just move on helps me process how I’m feeling I fully moved on from this guy :)
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@SparklyBubbles Oh, good! 😊

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