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There's this girl who works at Starbucks

We've talked briefly a few times, but I would like to ask her out. This is probably something I won't do while she's working, should I say something like, hey it would be nice to get together and talk more if you have the time. I would like to get to know you.
Northwest · M
Part of the job is to smile and be nice to customers. You can see if she's treating you "differently" from other customers. Use that as your clue to slip her your phone number.

Service people are always hit on.
Yesss…even if she doesn’t want a date, and you accept that, she may have friends.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Go for it !
@Picklebobble2 problem is she was just getting off her shift so I'll probably just say that and then be like, well here's my number or something, but I don't know her situation or anything like that
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@twiigss Just say it's always nice talking to you. Here's my email/Facebook/#.

That way you give her the choice without her having risked any personal information herself.
@Picklebobble2 that's true. Email works fine I don't use Facebook
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Hi again <smile> <little wave> <thrust hips out>, how's your day going so far? <listen> <bat eyes> <still smiling>. You umm... you into guys at all? single maybe? <big smile, show teeth> <but not too much teeth> <thrust hips out> <listen> <bats eyes> <listen some more> <regular smiles, no more teeth> <be sure to laugh when she says something funny> <even if its dumb>.
<If into guys, and admits it, without saying she has a bf already> <smile> You wanna catch a movie sometime? <big smile, show teeth> <make a heart symbol with your hands> <thrust hips> <regular smile> <stare into eyes> <listen>
<if not into guys, or has a bf> <frowny face> <smile> OK, See you tomorrow, bye <smile, show teeth> <little wave>
She most likely gets asked at least 100 times a week.

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