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Weekend....A Quiet-ish One

I guess you could say that it started, for me, straight after work on Friday...

Dropped off in town, straight after work, to meet up with my girlfriends - Roxy, Britt and Ros - for a bite to eat, Greek Stylee, and a few drinks.

Lovely fun time. We were a bit loud...but, still....fun stuff!

I hate going out straight after work. I like to go home, showered and changed, and then go out.

So, couple of hours out, and back home. Matt's in the shower (😘) and he makes himself a bite to eat, once he's dried and changed, and then we snuggle up on the sofa...complete with Thumper..


Up late yesterday, cleaned house whilst Matt was out. Showered, changed and then shopping. Back home, match on - Matt was very happy for the win against Chelsea - then shower and change for his bodybuilder mates to come over.

Pizza, Garlic Bread (with cheese, natch, sweeties!), some fries was on the menu at Chez Cass last night, with a spot of White Wine for moi whilst the boys did some beers. Nothing too crazy, just a nice pleasant evening. Everyone all sorted with taxis around midnight.

Today? Lazy day. Over to church and then just relaxing in the garden...

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, however wild or tame it was..

PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
What a lovely weekend. I also had a nice one!
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@PTCdresser57 Wonderful, sweetie!


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