Is it even really possible to help people? I don't know if I think it is.
First of all, what is help? Really? Because when you try to force change on someone, even if it is a desperately needed change, they typically see that as violence and think you a tyrant or a bully.
And then some people are committed to being powerless; they have become so attached to their suffering that on a subconscious level they are uncomfortable with taking steps to end it.
And then we all have different ideas of what an "ideal lifestyle" is.
What if the person you would help isn't down with what you are trying to help them towards? Hell what if you're just flat out wrong about what is good for them?
People who specialize in addiction always say that you simply cannot help someone who doesn't want to change.
I would add that you really cant help someone who doesn't want to change, nor knows exactly how they would like to change...
And since very few of us know what we want i would say that very few can really be helped.
Perhaps the best you can do is give people the mental and physical resources they need to help themselves and just hope for the best? Have faith in them?
And then some people are committed to being powerless; they have become so attached to their suffering that on a subconscious level they are uncomfortable with taking steps to end it.
And then we all have different ideas of what an "ideal lifestyle" is.
What if the person you would help isn't down with what you are trying to help them towards? Hell what if you're just flat out wrong about what is good for them?
People who specialize in addiction always say that you simply cannot help someone who doesn't want to change.
I would add that you really cant help someone who doesn't want to change, nor knows exactly how they would like to change...
And since very few of us know what we want i would say that very few can really be helped.
Perhaps the best you can do is give people the mental and physical resources they need to help themselves and just hope for the best? Have faith in them?