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Breakup after 7 years of living together

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Hi all,
I have been in 7 year relationship that I decided to end recently.
We each have a child from previous relationships and have been navigating blended family life. We have lived together 7 years as well first at my place and then moved to his 2 years ago. And I rented mine. Since we moved in to new place and adding Covid, death in a family, business struggling tension started building. Last year he told me he is not happy and was not sure what’s next but we talked it thru and put some effort I making it work. However first few months were good and then we defaulted back. He was focused on everything else but us and me, stressed, exploding here and there and just energy was off. I have been madly in love with him since day one and still am but we are so different that we don’t even have one thing we both like when it comes to future, parenting or don’t own anything together. All was either his or mine. So I decided to move out as it was clear he can’t make me/us priority. He agreed and we split amicably. I did have conversation with him before leaving asking how he felt and does he think of something could have been different and his answer was it is what it is, things happened, I made choice to prioritize family business and make sure people that depend on me have food on a table. This will probably bring me loneliness down the road but I made a choice. And you got fed up so I understand you leaving. Hopefully in the future we can be friend and you will not hesitate to call me when you need to. Now this is reality. We had good run and you showed me there is good people out there.

It broke my heard in a way I hoped he would say something different that would give me some hope maybe one day things could be different but he really made it seem like over forever.
Do you think decision I made is right or should I have stayed and fought more. Although I have been the giving and compromising one all along
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Northwest · M
He was crystal clear, and you should accept it and move on. Make sure your kid's well being is taken care of. 9 years of living as a blended family has some lasting effects.
Buna0411 · 46-50, F
@Northwest I think so as well, it still hurts because after 7 years I hoped I would become family and be a part of priority list. It will take me some time to come to terms and accept that I could not have that with him.
Jessmari · 46-50
He pretty much confirmed what you felt so no real point in wasting each other's time. Particularly if it was as cold as it seems in your post.

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