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Jinxie · 51-55, F
Some yes, very well. A few no, not at all.

DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
If he were on fire I wouldn’t even piss on him. I would use that opportunity to run him over with my car
Incomplet · 22-25
@DeluxedEdition 🤔
Holding a grudge, justa 🤏🏻 little? 🫣
Ontheroad · M
Quite well actually. Both of them - yeah, I said both. What can I say, it's complicated. Both marriages were over 10 years and both, for different reasons, were mistakes... probably equally so on both our parts.

One (the first ex) lives half a country away and I seldom see her... like almost never, but we are friends and did the coparent thing quite successfully. My second lives quite near me and we are nearly, if not in some ways better friends than we were when married. Her children (my stepchildren) and I are still on good terms, see each other occasionally and one, a 23-year old with Down's, stays with me during the week so the ex can work without the responsibility of having to care for and watch over her. The ex and I have movie and dinner nights - like dates without the chance of getting lucky. 😁
of course as a parting gift I bought him a coffin, he hasn't used it so guess he's not over me yet
@saragoodtimes he could be pooning goth chicks inside it🤔
TexChik · F
@saragoodtimes Oh that guy, you should have bought him a limb shredder and tossed him into it. Ugh!
I don't even know his name 😒🤔
Incomplet · 22-25
@SW-User Mmmm, how much did this Amnesia Treatment Cost?
Is it just one appointment or multiple sessions?

Pill 💊 , Shot 💉 or Something Else ⚡✨⚡ ?
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
I parted amicably with all except two of my ex boyfriends and those two were from when I was in my teens.In fairness that first ex was from when I was 14 and I cheated on him.The second ex was when I was 18,he tried to slap me as we were splitting up.It did not end well for him.I have trained in martial arts since I was ten and retaliated.He even knew about my training and still tried to slap me.Bad move.
Punches · 46-50, F
We seldom talk but yeah we get along alright. Amicable divorce, we don't really have anything left to fight about.
Incomplet · 22-25
I tolerate her mentally now, (time heals), but I don't attempt to contact with her either and might answer if she called.
We don't talk. And well remembering the times we did, mostly it was messed up.
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
I’ve not got an ex I’ve got a permanent
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I don’t have anything to do with him.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
I've had two of my exes try re-adding me on Facebook in the last few days.

I don't keep in touch with exes though so nah 🤷
Incomplet · 22-25
@prettycoolgurl he’s a good boy 😌
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Stark & you're a good girl 🥴
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Depends on which one. Only 2 of them are off my list of people that I would still talk to. That said I don’t feel a need to keep in touch with any of them. They’er in the past and I’m living in the present looking towards the future.
eMortal · M
I usually don’t stay friend with an ex. But when I do, we always end up smashing at least one more time.
Torsten · 36-40, M
when she wants money, she can be very sweet.
My other exes dont exist to me. They're exes for a reason and that being I want them out of my life and not to get on with them
Frankie13 · 46-50, M
@Torsten yeah of course there sweet when they want money. There true pieces of work
i get along really well with ALL my exes but two.
one of those is dead, and we were great pals to the last
the other? I hope she has an interesting life
Jammer6475 · 46-50, M
We get along pretty well as long as she is getting that child support
chillout17 · 31-35, M
Don’t talk to them. Nothing bad just time and space
Mainly for the kids
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Incomplet · 22-25
I plan to when I get one
Torsten · 36-40, M
only when we dont talk
Some of them quite well actually. Not so much the most recent one as I have grown and see who he is and through his BS.
Yes. We have access to contact each other if necessary. For example, I was informed when parent got sick or passed away. We greet each other kn our birthdays. But no, we dont chat regularly.
A lot of my ex’s and I ended on good terms, but there’s no need to interact or maintain contact so I don’t talk to any of them especially with being in a relationship now 🤷‍♀️
We all ended on good terms. But I lost contact with them. So yeah sometimes I miss them and wonder how they are doing and if they are okay.
pillowman · M
I get along well with my ex. She helps me out.
pillowman · M
@Punches I am staying in a spare bedroom.
Punches · 46-50, F
@pillowman Ahh, well there you go :D .
pillowman · M
@Punches we are just good friends now. We were married for 25 years and raised two boys together.
I am civil, he’s a blatant liar, so I find it hard dealing with him.
He wants to be friends, I need to put boundaries in to protect myself.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@SW-User plus a very nice lady
@nedkelly aw thanks 😊
Fairly well

He's a doctor in New York now...was older than me but not as much as my current boyfriend. We talk sometimes
Well, I'll let you know when she's officially my ex. We haven't gotten along well in awhile and finally we're starting the seperation part
Spumoni · 46-50, M
I've found it better for my mental well-being to avoid her
We did get along.
Last year he suddenly disappeared though, and I haven't bothered to find out why.
Montanaman · M
Hadn't talked to her in 20 years or more...🤷‍♀️
Now my son's soon to be ex, that's a sad story .💔
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Yes always have been and we have been divorced for 32 years
Barny52 · 56-60, M
We talk but I do try not to be in the same place at same time, find it uncomfortable
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
It’s tumultuous. I enjoy her but can only handle her company for at most a couple hours.
Beardedguy · 36-40, M
Ha no idea have not spoken to them in years. But dont see why not
Yes seen him last night and we watch movie together was lovely
No my ex husband and I have no contact we are not on good terms
LiLShrimp · 22-25, F
We don’t talk anymore. But we broke up amicably.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I have not seen her in over 43 years
Great we haven't spoken in years
Ok for a little while. She's on her way over to swap fluids!
For the sake of the kids i put up with her.
MountainMonk89 · 51-55, M
She's my best friend.
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pillowman · M
I live with my ex
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
Fire and Oil.
summerwind · 41-45, F
Well enough
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Yes we get along well
I make it point to never keep in touch with exes

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