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Has a friendship or relationship worked out for anyone after meeting from SW?

Can social media make it more difficult for friendships or relationships to happen because of a trust issue, or is the risk worth taking?
I had a really good friend that I met on here a few years ago. We become best friends but we don’t talk anymore, and we never actually got the chance to meet up. I think it might be hard to trust someone you met online sometimes especially on here. But I would be up for it if I really trusted and liked someone
@poetryandwine That’s true, but I make sure they are who they say they are. And if they can’t video chat with me keep making excuses then I know something is up and I don’t talk to them anymore. Same I’m happy for people that it did work out for, it definitely gives you hope
Happyheart1 · 31-35, M
@poetryandwine exactly
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I think it might be hard to trust someone you met online
Why should it be any harder than it is with someone you first meet in 'real' life.
I haven't met anyone in person from this site but did from another and it ended on a sad note, but not hate or anything. A lot of fond memories.
I have friends from internet that I'd like to meet and hope to meet... not impossible.
Social media is a bit different but there is no guarantee about a person living in your own state or city either. I've met liars and cheaters that live right in the area and the trust issues are for them, not those who have been nothing but honest and decent with me... online or not. :)
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
I met someone on ep many years ago maybe 8-9 years and we became best friends and still talking now even his mom and aunt knew me.He is a very talented person designing his own speakers n he is an electronic music composer too.He makes earrings,cards,etc for me too😅It takes time to know a person.
It really depends on the individuals, much like in real life.
Whether it’s possible or not, I believe anything is :)
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Yes. It started as a sexual but not romantic relationship and has turned into friendship.
Friendship, yes. Very nicely in fact, well beyond my expectations.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Ive never got to meet anyone from here in person.
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
99.9% of the time, SW and other online friendships fizzle out pretty quickly. Some last, I've kept in touch with a couple, who sporadically keep in touch outside of here.

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