SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
You don't care if they are in a new relationship, you may even get to the point where you feel happy for the person that they found someone.
TexChik · F
Like any other loss , though you have consciously moved on , the slightly painful scar remains .
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@TexChik this is so true!
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
When you realize you haven’t thought about them for a while.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@Keepitsimple I still think of the person but I just noticed that I dont feel as much as before. I'm thinking maybe because my mind is just used to thinking about him.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@CallistaSloane Part of the process. It doesn’t have to be bad thoughts, it could be happy or indifference.
valobasa4ever · F
Forget her birthday .
BlondilyOld · F
It's normal but healing if you get rid of pics you have of them and go on a lot of dates. Keeping busy helps too.

Mine was getting thru a day without crying.
Casualsharter · 36-40, F
When you validate your new love and stop secretly soothing and protecting your ex.
Northwest · M
Missing the person means you probably have not moved on yet.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@Northwest it's a bit confusing at times because I feel like I just miss the feeling. I dont even wish for the person to come back.
Northwest · M
@CallistaSloane What you're missing is what you get from having an intimate partner. That's different from missing a specific person. Caution: don't let that feeling drive you into doing something you may not want to do, like jump into another relationship too soon, or re-connect with that person, you broke up for a reason.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@Northwest appreciate this so much. Thanks. :)
Adstar · 56-60, M
When you go through a week without thinking of them..
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@Adstar that's a fair suggestion. Thanks!

yes it’s normal
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@SW-User glad that it is. Thanks. :)

@CallistaSloane YW