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Tell me why I saw a tinder notification on my boyfriend's phone?

I was snuggling with him and my head was on his chest while he was on his phone playing a game. I looked up and saw a tinder notification and he must have noticed I saw and he swiped it away real fast.

Also he had his phone connected to a bluetooth speaker because we were watching YouTube earlier before he played his game and when he went to the bathroom he took his phone with him. I heard a camera sound come through the speaker when he was in the bathroom. Uh huh yeah I'm mad.

I'm not saying anything yet. I'm keeping this in my back pocket for now.
I'm sorry. 馃挃 This must be really heartbreaking.
apersonnamedit26-30, T
@BlueVeins I'm mad beyond mad
@apersonnamedit You should be.
What a douche i was also cheated on by my ex so I know how you feel. Just count yourself lucky that you found out now so you won't waste anymore time on a low life like him.
CastorTroy31-35, M
Yep, looks like he is cheating on you. Just don't wait too long or he might dump YOU first.
apersonnamedit26-30, T
@CastorTroy you dont know how badly I want to hit him
CastorTroy31-35, M
@apersonnamedit I can guess, but don't waste time trying to get even, don't lower yourself. Just get out of the relationship because he obviously doesn't want to be in it anymore and he is just waiting for the right moment to move on.
the dots are all there
connect them now
apersonnamedit26-30, T
@SW-User I want to yell so badly
@apersonnamedit i hope you feel better sweets鉂わ笍
DeluxedEdition26-30, F
@apersonnamedit better to know and acknowledge now
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
Hes not very bright is he?
And very disrespectful towards you.
You'll have to decided if you want to live with this lie hanging over you,dont think many would.
He needs to know you won't take any bullcrap lies from him.
Otherwise, he will spin it as long as he can maddening you in the process.
Lived through this and only way is to confront it hard as that is.
And I am sorry.
Not good. He's hiding something
apersonnamedit26-30, T
@deadgerbil I wonder how many and who they are so I can contact them and tell them to not bother.
Confront him when you're ready. Don't hold onto it long, because then he'll think he's slick. That's not a good thought at all and another reason why people shouldn't continue to date their s/o if they want to do stuff like that. Dating is scary sometimes because you can never be 100% sure of stuff like that unless you know them.
but you know what you saw ,, don鈥檛 play yourself
I'm sorry
Literally dating in this age makes me paranoid
@apersonnamedit why did you not confront him yet?
apersonnamedit26-30, T
@PepsiColaP I don't know what to say. I'm fuming and dont know what to say
@apersonnamedit I guess it's best to take your time to work through the emotions alone before taking to him . I hope you will be ok 馃挋
MrBrownstone46-50, M
Maybe setting up a frriend?
MrBrownstone46-50, M
@apersonnamedit It could be setting up a friend.
apersonnamedit26-30, T
@MrBrownstone I doubt it. Doesnt explain the camera noise
MrBrownstone46-50, M
@apersonnamedit That鈥檚 true. Either he took a selfie or dick pic.
He would be in trouble if he was mine 馃榿
say something.. or just move on.
Rawtruth18-21, F
iamonfire69641-45, F
Why would he be on tinder? He鈥檚 looking to swipe right. Isn鈥檛 that how it goes.
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apersonnamedit26-30, T
@swirlie You are right it's best I find out now instead of getting deeper into this relationship and being completely torn apart. I'm just stuck because I really really dont want to move back to my parents house and I cant afford to get my own place on my own. This sucks
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