SarithBorn · 18-21, M
Holly going roadman on us all 😬
HollyW · 18-21, F
@SarithBorn 🔪 You better run! You better hide!
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@HollyW 🤎 stab here i am ready to die now. 😇
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
HollyW · 18-21, F
@AstroZombie The S and T are so far apart. What was I thinking?
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
@HollyW I have no clue.

Nikki Glaser used that as part of one of her roast speeches. She said it to Martha Stewart 🤣
HollyW · 18-21, F
@SW-User I don't know those people.

@HollyW Nikki is a raunchy but hilarious standup comedian and Martha Stewart is a famous host of cooking and crafting shows and she was someone who looked and acted incredibly unlikely to go to prison but ended up serving some time for insider trading. She's like a white Oprah.
Dshhh · M
maybe that was what you REALLY felt

You been in prison Missy?
JonLosAngeles66 · M
You smelcum
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