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I Love the Library

I am a huge lover of reading and the library is one of my biggest safe havens. I was lucky enough to still have the chance to use the one in my high school since they are converting it into a computer lab. I was very upset but I am happy that I regularly volunteer at the local library to my usual fix of the smell of ink on pages and the feeling of being surrounded by knowledge and peoples life stories. Just the feeling or thought of the libraru makes me so happy but so sad at the thought that people don't even care for them anymore now that they know they have the info at push of an app.
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PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
I live in portland and there was a ballot measure to raise taxes to pay for the library upgrades and it passed and that's part of the reason I love my city because we have Taxpayers that care about the library enough to raise taxes on themselves to pay for it.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@Vampcutie69 Eagerly waiting for The winds of winter.
Vampcutie69 · 22-25, F
@PDXNative1986 exactly! I also love reading just because of the use of my own imagination coming into play after reading an amazing chapter.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@Vampcutie69 Escapism is common because reality is so boring. I wish Hogwarts was a real place. Then again when I found out about summervile and Sudsbury Valley schools I was like holy shit Hogwarts is a real school. [media=]

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