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What i need to be reading while away from SW

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I would like to challenge myself to read the following great works of literature before the end of this year, but if it takes longer, so be it, great reading can't be rushed, but for me it could help by having a deadline to keep me at it and not waste time. In essence therefore, by posting this i say "Don't catch me spending too much time here posting and replying to other posts"

I shall come back to this post as i progress.

It is in 2 parts to be gone through together, and the native land it comes from will be furnished by music from that area.

If i abandon this project, i beseech thee all to sign a petition to ban me from SW, this is that serious, .... but it's also fun. When i talk about fun, this is the sort of thing i have in mind, not getting sauced and ending up regretting yourself the next day where it effects your relations with other people, that imo is the antithesis of fun, but i digress.


10 Core Classics

1. The Iliad

music i'm currently using


2. The Odyssey
3. The Aeneid
4. The Divine Comedy
5. Paradise Lost
6. Faust
7. Hamlet
8. Macbeth
9. Othello
10. King Lear

A chronological approach to Dostoevsky along with the 4 volume biography by Joseph Frank

11. The Double
12. Poor Folk
13. The Landlady
14. Netochka Nezvanova
15. Uncle's Dream
16. The Village of Stepanchikovo
17. Humiliated and Insulted
18. The House of the Dead
19. Notes from Underground
20. Crime and Punishment
21. The Gambler
22. The Idiot
23. The Eternal Husband
24. Demons
25. The Adolescent
26. The Brothers Karamazov
27. A Writer's Diary


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