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The Sunday Summation

editing in -- This turned out to be a monthly idea, so not every Sunday, just one of them bad boys per month. The one where you take the gum and the gummy wine.

The Sunday Summation is going to be my main post series, which will happen sometime in the technical Sunday slot, meaning from midnight Saturday night to 11:49 pm Sunday night.

This being the first day of this, will explain the overposting.

I shall try to limit other kinds of posts to 50 each per day.

It seems unlikely at first, and then as it plays out in my mind it becomes very slowly evident that at least progress was made towards what at first was a very unlikely and frankly stupid and lame challenge to begin with.

There are rules i must abide by, these are the Gums of Agreement, and they are as follows:

1. -- Thou shalt only brag about completed books once a month, and the average per month from when this began to when i shall perish of natural causes in the triple digits will be 13, 13 books per month. It is written in gum!!

1.2. -- {i'll think of something to put here later}

2. -- For each short work that is a 30 to 2 hour read will count as one book read for every FIVE of them completed, or THREE if each were closer to the 2 hour or longer range. If all were under an hour maybe even SEVEN would be required to be ONE number in the grand list, the list of books, works or volumes to be read, representing the weeks of being alive.

2.2. -- Thou wilt compose the weekly or monthly posts about books with special care, offering a cornucopia of stuff:

A - Some inspiring maxims of the Moralists
B - A playlist with videos other people made about the books i've either finished or am still going through, and below the video i shalt clearly provide further information to guarantee that time is being spent well, for to read is to live, and not to read is to just exist, like an apple in a jail cell.
C - A film playlist for a whole month or week, for a month it would be 20 films, and for weeks it will be 5. Below will be a lovingly composed description of what is there, so that if some are unavailable, that the name and director would be known to search for it, as well as the copied and pasted synopsis that would actually make the films seem worthwhile to seek out could be either requested using King James english as the skill testing necessary for eligibility, or searched for in such exquisite sites as Letterboxd.
D - after the above, i doth swear by the GUMMY BEAR CONSTELLATION that i would have at least 10 paragraphs of what the mind is thinking, all worked at throughout the month, yes a month sounds better than a weeks.

3. -- There are other sacred gummy games to be played, including a variety of non-musical & non-movie related video playlists

4. -- Whenever i make a mistake and i don't correct it right away, i shall leave it as it is and if i want to correct myself later on, i shall include the correction somewhat differently nearby the offending part, and it will be another chance to veer into other mental terrain.

5. - All of my silent film discs are to be played while reading in the living room, i must over use them, if such a thing can be, i must play them as many times as it would be a total number of times if i played all the discs in my whole collection twice!! When something is used 10 times in this manner beginning today, September 15, 2024, that may be gathered into a special draft where only 10 items whether they be sets or single films are needed to post about them.

6. -- The beginning is when the probability is at the lowest, and i love that, i always metaphorically bet on the most outlandishly unlikely thing, in contests and sports, it's a perversion that isn't perverted, so it's a thrill to be at the beginning, but as it progresses it will crescendo very very slowly into such a intensely satisfying galaxy of "things", at the very least however the reading is living gummy rule.

7. -- this is written in gum and may be changed at any time and/or abandoned. The mental well being of those who read too much of what i say could file for some kind of thing, and with a good lawyer you probably could strike gold!!

In the name of the gum

Gah -- eeeeeh
bookerdana · M
Fifty posts a day!!!!?????😬 looks for a good lawyer

bookerdana · M
@MrGumHead I looked her up..they had a post listed (answerbag) Will Bornabrit ever return???

Also Pinterest Tik-Tok,Instagram..alas I was on in big trouble with Just asking for calling them Muggles😆
MrGumHead · 46-50
@bookerdana lol I did some kind of psychic thing Just Asking was doing, but that place was much better than Relate 2 That, on there i got in trouble with Janet for posting the Dammit Janet song from Rocky Horror 😔
bookerdana · M
@MrGumHead Oh that woman 😬🙄 I fled before her reign of terror had begun🤨

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