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August 30, 2024 (LDS Day 2)

Today begins with readings from I Nephi, which is starting to get juicy, on ch. 16 now, and am also reading from The Doctrines and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. By the end of September i hope to have read them all. These are the standard works of the LDS.

I have to finish at least 2 of the KU books, i think i'd want to do The Kolob Theorem and Obscure Mormon Doctrine.

A lot of time needs to be reading The Journal of Discourses, Smith's History, and Brigham Young's Discourses as those are the longest.

At least the first 2 volumes of Interpreter.

To complete the New Mormon Challenge, being the primo non-Mormon volume i have.

And i must try to complete the first of Dan Vogel's biographies of Joseph Smith.

That's my focused plan on the focus material, to complete never means "not gonna read them anymore" complete here means it's just the beginning, for it is a better understanding of these materials i wish for, not just a empty checking off a list kind of thing.

However this here is a checklist for me to easily keep in mind where i need to be focusing on:

1 - The Book of Mormon
2 - Doctrine and Covenants
3 - The Pearl of Great Price
4 - The New Mormon Challenge
5 - The Kolob Theorem
6 - Obscure Mormon Doctrine
7 - Interpreter vols. 1, 2
8 - Dan Vogel’s Joseph Smith bio #1

Spend lots of time with

1 - Journal of Discourses
2 - Smith’s History
3 - Brigham Young’s Discourses
bookerdana · M
I'm sitting this one out🤨

so to speak
bookerdana · M
@SW-User Yeah well they'd get the boot if they tried it now😡

@bookerdana Sickos probably like that too!! 🤬
bookerdana · M
@SW-User Not doing it for them😆

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