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One more post about this stuff

I am so excited!! Here is how i will use all these bibles which are all jam packed with study helps.

1. The NIV text in The Biblical Theology Study Bible in 3 sections, as explained in my previous post.

2. Whenever i come across passages i wish to delve deeper in i will then do extensive readings on those portions with all the other SB's and commentaries.

3. Picture heavy SB's and Bible reference books are a must in less than 3 days to order, the particular volume in #1 above therefore will be not the only one being gone through from cover to cover.

4. I must saturate the senses with just the text and those beautiful and interesting images, graphs and charts. So about 10 will eventually be gone through in physical format, yes indeedy doo, it looks so much better in Hardcover or whatever physical manner, but not paperback.

5. For each 100 post there will be a 101st which will be a highlight volume which is gone all the way through and documented like only a clueless nincompoop can do.

6. The feel of those really thin pages are addictive, there's an explosion of tactile pleasure!!

7. From now on any post i make which aren't the book highlight or the 100 that will be what i read from, not finishing, that will be like a season of a show and each of the 100 is a person, setting, storyline and so on. Any post that aren't those have to be about something else, and i hope thereby i can not flood the pages with the same things over and over again, and carefully craft those long devotional posts to help me develop a new for me learning method, and perhaps inspire others here to write more about what they love to read.

8. Reading is thee most extraordinary thing one can do by themselves, i hope to share 100 highlights out of 100 lists of 100, then if i'm still kicking after that and SW also, i shall then develop a new way of sharing, perhaps LONG posts on single volumes, or the careers of certain authors like Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King or Francis Turretin.

9. The time spent in reading and study must match all the time i spent on social media from 2011 to the ever present. If i suddenly stop doing anything for over 2 months, i either got struck with illumination and have vowed a vow of silence, or i was tracked down by the angry mobs my posts caused and am held in a scary creepy cellar where a pitbull barks and growls within inches of my sweating terrified face as it's chain allows him only thus far, and i'd be soaked in my own waste and urine and hooded beings would meanly shove a plate of stale bread and mouldy cheese with spoiled milk to keep me from dying but to help me remain miserable. It couldn't possibly be that a bolt of lightning struck down through the roof and fried me right on the recliner in a split second.

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